FACT SHEET | The FMLA has been used more than 500 million times by working people who needed to care for their own health or the health of their families. In 2024 alone, more than 15 million workers were supported by the FMLA.
Understanding the Difference Between Paid Sick Days & Paid Family and Medical Leave
FACT SHEET | What's the difference between paid sick days and paid family and medical leave? And which states, cities and counties have paid leave and paid sick days?
Paid Leave Will Help Close the Gender Wage Gap
FACT SHEET | The wage gap illustrates the high cost women are paying for our nation’s policy failure, including our lack of paid family and medical leave to support family caregiving, which is still most often performed by women.
An Analysis of the Gender Wage Gap by Congressional District
FACT SHEET | An analysis of the Gender Wage Gap by Congressional District
Paid Leave Works: Evidence From State Programs
FACT SHEET | Studies of the nation's state paid family leave programs demonstrate how well paid leave policies work for workers, families and businesses.
Sexual Harassment and the Gender Wage Gap
Despite being prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, workplace sexual harassment remains pervasive and pernicious. Sexual harassment is one of many manifestations of power imbalances in the workplace.
District Directors COVID-19 Webinar NPWF NELP
Employer Best Practices: Policies to Support Workers During the Coronavirus Pandemic
EMPLOYER GUIDE | This guide recommends specific policies and practices that corporate leaders can implement quickly to support the safety and stability of their workforce.
Expanding Paid Sick Days and Paid Family and Medical Leave in Response to COVID-19
FACT SHEET | The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the universal need for - and far from universal access to - paid sick days and paid family and medical leave in the United States.
New Emergency Legislation Provides Paid Sick Days and Paid Leave for Child Care for Millions
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act, enacted and amended by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, provides new rights to workers for short-term paid time away from work for coronavirus-related health and caregiving reasons, and...
H.R. 6201 Before and After Technical Corrections
CHART | Comparison of H.R. 6201 Before and After Technical Corrections
Comparison Families First Coronavirus Response Act + CARES Act with PAID Leave Act
CHART | Comparison of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (P.L. 116-127) and CARES Act (P.L. 116-136), with the Provide Americans Insured Days (PAID) Leave Act (S. 3513)
National Partnership Statement for the Record Ed and Labor Subcommittee Hearing February 2020
Statement for the record, February 11, 2020.
National Partnership Statement for the Record Ways and Means Hearing January 2020
Statement for the record, Ways & Means Committee hearing on paid leave, January 28, 2020
H.R. 5296/S. 2976 Undermines the Child Tax Credit
FACT SHEET | H.R. 5296/S. 2976 provides no guarantee of leave and would instead offer meager temporary assistance that will cause long-term financial penalties for parents.
NDAA MTI Resolution 333
FEPLA NDAA Letter to Conferees
Paid Family and Medical Leave Policy Metrics
POLICY METRICS | These metrics present the aspects of paid family and medical leave policies that will have the most impact on whether low-income workers are covered by and can utilize the programs.
2018 Midterm Elections Saw Candidates in Competitive Races Embrace Equal Pay, Paid Leave and Related Issues in Record Numbers – and Win
MEMO | 2018 Midterm Elections Saw Candidates in Competitive Races Embrace Equal Pay, Paid Leave and Related Issues in Record Numbers – and Win