The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is the law of the land. It’s the greatest advance for women’s health in a generation, and the National Partnership fought hard for its passage.
Now, we are defending against attacks on the ACA and working to ensure it continues to expand access to higher quality, better coordinated, lower cost care for patients and families. Millions of Americans benefit from this law through improved access to health insurance, full coverage for preventive care and stronger consumer protections. The fact sheets and reports in this section summarize various aspects of the ACA, how it is helping women and families, and what is at risk in attempts to repeal or undermine the law.
Defending the ACA
- Health Care Costs Will Rise if ACA’s Premium Tax Credits Expire: Six Reasons Why Congress Must Extend ACA Tax Credits
- Short-Term, Limited-Duration Plans: A Disaster for Women and Families
- The House Republican Repeal Bill Threatens Reproductive Justice for Women of Color (in collaboration with In Our Own Voice: National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda, National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum and National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health)
- Repealing the Essential Health Benefits Would be Devastating for Women’s Health
- Medicaid Caps and Cuts Harm Older Women (in collaboration with Justice in Aging)
- Defunding Planned Parenthood: An Attack on Public Health
- “Planned Parenthood Provides Essential Services That Improve Women’s Health” in the Annals of Internal Medicine
- Repealing the ACA Endangers Women’s Health and Financial Security
About the ACA
- Medicaid: Ensuring Basic Health Care for Millions of Women and Children
- Insurance coverage for women of color: American Indian and Alaska Native women, Asian women, Black women, Latinas, Native Hawaiian and Alaska Native women
- Women’s Health Coverage: Sources and Rates of Insurance
- A Consumer’s Guide to Choosing and Using Health Insurance
- Summary of Key Provisions
- Improving Care for Pregnant Women and New Parents
- Supporting Informed Decision-Making in the Health Insurance Marketplace: A Progress Report for 2017