FACT SHEET | Overall, women in the United States are paid 75 cents for every dollar paid to men. The wage gap widened in 2023 from 2022 – the first time this has happened since 2003. When women lose income, their economic security and that of their families is...
The Healthy Families Act Fact Sheet
FACT SHEET | The Healthy Families Act would set a national paid sick days standard – a critical step toward meeting the health and financial needs of working families.
Paid Sick Days Statutes
CHART | A detailed summary of existing paid sick days laws.
Assessing Rhode Island’s Temporary Caregiver Insurance Act: Insights from a Survey of Employers
This report provides new evidence on Rhode Island’s Temporary Caregiver Insurance (TCI) law, which took effect in January 2014, based on a survey of small and medium-sized businesses in the food services and manufacturing sectors in Rhode Island, Connecticut, and...
Testimony of Vicki Shabo before the D.C. City Council Regarding the Universal Paid Leave Act of 2015
National Partnership Vice President Vicki Shabo testifies before the District of Columbia City Council Regarding the Universal Paid Leave Act of 2015, B21-415
Crosscutting Consumer Criteria for Alternative Payment Models
If designed and implemented correctly, Alternative Payment Models (APMs) have the potential to provide comprehensive, coordinated, patient- and family-centered care while driving down costs.
Consumer Partnership for eHealth Comments on Revisions to Meaningful Use
The Consumer Partnership for eHealth (CPeH) and the undersigned 24 organizations and individuals submit these formal comments on the finalized requirements for Stage 2 modifications and Stage 3 of the Meaningful Use program.
The Patient Trust Act: Model Legislation for Getting Politics out of the Exam Room
The Patient Trust Act addresses the serious and growing problem of laws that impose politics and ideology on clinical care. This dangerous trend threatens evidence-based, patient-centered medicine, the delivery of quality care, and public health.
Comments of National Partnership for Women & Families on RIN 1250-AA06
Re: RIN 1250-AA06, Comments in Support of OFCCP’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Prohibiting Pay Secrecy Policies and Actions
The National Partnership for Women & Families’ Comments on RIN 1235-AA11
Re: RIN 1235-AA11, Comments in Support of DOL’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales and Computer Employees
Joint CPeH-CP Alliance Letter to CMS on Stage 2 Amendments
The Consumer Partnership for eHealth (CPeH), the Consumer-Purchaser Alliance (C-P Alliance), and the undersigned 50 organizations submit these formal comments on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services's (CMS) proposed reversal of key patient-engagement...
Letter Forwarding Public Comments Opposing Stage 2 Modification NPRM Patient Engagement Provisions
When the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services proposed a significant retreat in key patient-engagement provisions of the Meaningful Use EHR Incentive Program on April 10, the National Partnership for Women & Families informed people across the United...
Testimony of Christine Bechtel, National Partnership Advisor, for Hearing on Health Information Exchange – A Path Toward Improving Quality and Value for Patients
Testimony of Christine Bechtel, Advisor, National Partnership for Women & Families. Submitted to the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee Hearing on Health Information Exchange - A Path Toward Improving Quality and Value for Patients
Delivering High-Quality, High-Value Care to Childbearing Women and Babies: Policymakers Can Make a Difference
Policymakers can help promote safe, healthy childbirth experiences for women and babies in the United States with wiser use of resources.
Supporting Informed Decision-Making in the Health Insurance Marketplace: A Progress Report
A key goal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was to create an insurance market in which consumers would have the ability to compare coverage options across standardized criteria and identify the plan that best meets their families’ health care needs.
CBC MSSP ACO Comments and Supporting Documents
The Campaign for Better Care (CBC) (led by the National Partnership for Women & Families) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) proposed rule.
Statement of Judith L. Lichtman Submitted to the U.S. Senate HELP Committee for Hearing on “Employer Wellness Programs: Better Health Outcomes and Lower Costs”
Chairman Alexander, Ranking Member Murray, Members of the Committee, my name is Judith Lichtman, and I am Senior Advisor at the National Partnership for Women & Families. Thank you for the opportunity to offer recommendations on ensuring nondiscrimination in employer...
PFCC in Daily Practice
Today more than ever, there is greater recognition within health care organizations that patient- and family-centered care (PFCC) is an effective strategy for achieving the Triple Aim.
Why the Affordable Care Act Matters for Women: Expanding Medicaid
Prior to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the cost of health insurance placed a particular burden on lower-income women who needed health care services but often struggled to pay insurance premiums and the out-of-pocket costs of care.
Bad Medicine
States across the country are increasingly enacting laws mandating how health care providers must practice medicine, regardless of the provider’s professional judgment and the needs of his or her patients. As this report explains, these laws undermine the high...