America’s Women and the Wage Gap

FACT SHEET | Overall, women in the United States are paid 75 cents for every dollar paid to men. The wage gap widened in 2023 from 2022 – the first time this has happened since 2003. When women lose income, their economic security and that of their families is...

The Healthy Families Act Fact Sheet

FACT SHEET | The Healthy Families Act would set a national paid sick days standard – a critical step toward meeting the health and financial needs of working families.

Joint CPeH-CP Alliance Letter to CMS on Stage 2 Amendments

The Consumer Partnership for eHealth (CPeH), the Consumer-Purchaser Alliance (C-P Alliance), and the undersigned 50 organizations submit these formal comments on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services's (CMS) proposed reversal of key patient-engagement...

PFCC in Daily Practice

Today more than ever, there is greater recognition within health care organizations that patient- and family-centered care (PFCC) is an effective strategy for achieving the Triple Aim.

Bad Medicine

States across the country are increasingly enacting laws mandating how health care providers must practice medicine, regardless of the provider’s professional judgment and the needs of his or her patients. As this report explains, these laws undermine the high...