
It’s Official – Seattle Will Guarantee Paid Sick Days!

| Sep 23, 2011

With the stroke of a pen today, Mayor Mike McGinn secured a groundbreaking victory for the people of Seattle. The city will now become the third in the U.S. to give workers the right to earn the paid sick days they need — and deserve.

Congratulations to the Seattle Coalition for a Healthy Workforce for such an effective campaign. Its emphasis on an unprecedented collaboration between workers, businesses, legislators and advocates provides cities and states across the country with a powerful model. And now, nearly 190,000 workers can rest easier knowing they will soon no longer have to choose between their health and their economic security.

There is no doubt that momentum for paid sick days is building. The historic victory in Connecticut in June and the law signed in Seattle today will increase the number of workers with paid sick days by hundreds of thousands. Three cities and one state will now guarantee this basic right.

Next up is the election in Denver in November, where a paid sick days standard will be on the ballot. It is an exciting time. Stay tuned as the momentum and victories continue!