National Partnership Letter to Congress Opposing Nomination of Don R. Willett to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
As an organization that is dedicated to expanding opportunities for women, promoting reproductive health and rights, access to quality affordable health care, and policies that help women and men meet the dual demands of work and family, the National Partnership for...
National Partnership Letter to Congress Opposing Nomination of Stuart Kyle Duncan to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
As an organization that is dedicated to expanding opportunities for women and promoting reproductive health and rights, access to quality affordable health care and fairness in the workplace, the National Partnership for Women & Families writes to express strong...
Executive Summary of Alito Report: Tipping the Balance
That is why the National Partnership for Women & Families looked closely at Judge Alito’s available record, examining his writings and opinions on a range of issues from employment to reproductive rights to affirmative action, and more.
On the Merits: Janice Rogers Brown’s Record
In the highly charged fight over judicial nominations, Janice Rogers Brown, a California Supreme Court justice nominated to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, has taken center stage. While headlines are likely to focus on her gender, it is not enough to simply nominate...
On the Merits: The Records of Janice Rogers Brown and Priscilla Owen
In the highly charged fight over judicial nominations, two female judicial nominees –Janice Rogers Brown, a California Supreme Court justice nominated to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, and Priscilla Owen, a Texas Supreme Court justice nominated to the 5th Circuit...
Deja Vu All Over Again: Re-nomination of Controversial Nominees
The start of each new Congress and Administration provides an opportunity for a fresh start and a fresh approach to critical issues facing our nation. Nowhere is this opportunity more sorely needed than with judicial nominations.
Who’s the Judge: Why Women Should Care About Judicial Appointments
Judges are charged with the responsibility to interpret and help administer our nation’s laws. Judges’ decisions govern our lives in many areas, such as the question of when women may bring suit to challenge and change unequal pay practices, and whether health plans...
Statement of Opposition on the Nomination of Judge Samuel Alito
“Good morning. I am Debra L. Ness, President of the National Partnership for Women & Families. We are a national advocacy organization that, for more than three decades, has broken new ground on issues that are vitally important to America’s women and families.
Statement of Opposition on the Nomination of William Pryor
The National Partnership for Women & Families opposes the nomination of William Pryor to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.
Statement of Opposition on the Nomination of William G. Myers III
The National Partnership for Women & Families opposes the nomination of William G. Myers III to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Letter Opposing Nomination of Thomas Griffith
The National Partnership for Women & Families (National Partnership) is writing in strong opposition to the nomination of Thomas Griffith to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. The National Partnership is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that...
Black Women-Owned Business in Support of Ketanji Brown Jackson
Black Women-Owned Business Letter to support the nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson - A collaboration with The Genius Guild
Speak Up About Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is a superstar. After growing up in Miami, Judge Jackson went on to an incredibly accomplished legal career – attending Harvard and even clerking for retiring Justice Stephen Breyer. She is beyond ready for this lifetime appointment.
Disastrous and Dangerous: Judge Barrett Would Wreak Havoc on the Lives of Women of Color
FACT SHEET | Judge Barrett's elevation to the country’s highest court would be disastrous for all of us in regards to our civil and human rights, but is especially dangerous for women of color who live at the intersection of multiple oppressions.
Overview of Judge Terrence Boyle’s Judicial Record
The National Partnership for Women & Families strongly opposes the nomination of Judge Terrence Boyle to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.