FACT SHEET | Women make up nearly half of the U.S. workforce and are the primary or co-breadwinners in two-thirds of families. But our nation’s public policies don’t reflect this reality.
Better Together: Policies to Expand Insurance Coverage and Promote Supportive Workplaces Help Families Thrive
ISSUE BRIEF | This issue brief demonstrates that very few states have policies to address the intersecting needs of women and families, and it outlines how the health and financial security of women and families are positively affected by having comprehensive health...
Paid Sick Days Policy Metrics
POLICY METRICS | These metrics present the aspects of paid sick days policies that will have the most impact on whether workers in low-wage jobs are covered by and can utilize the laws’ protections.
Paid Sick Days: Busting Common Myths With Facts and Evidence
FACT SHEET | Evidence from existing paid sick days laws dispels myths and misconceptions about the effects of paid sick days laws and, along with growing public demand and continued state and local advancements, paves the way toward a much-needed national standard.
Family Caregivers Need Paid Sick Days
FACT SHEET | Many family caregivers are struggling to manage both their caregiving responsibilities and the jobs they need to support their families because they lack access to basic workplace supports.
African Americans and Their Families Need Paid Sick Days
FACT SHEET | Everyone gets sick, and everyone needs time to recover. Yet more than 7.3 million black workers – nearly 40 percent of black workers – in the United States cannot earn a single paid sick day.
Los latinos y sus familias necesitan días pagados por enfermedad
HOJA INFORMATIVA | Todo el mundo se enferma, y todo el mundo necesita tiempo para recuperarse. Sin embargo, 14 millones de trabajadores latinos en los Estados Unidos son incapaces de ganar un solo día por enfermedad pagada.
Workers’ Access to Paid Sick Days in the States
An analysis of workers' access to paid sick days by state conducted by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) in collaboration with the National Partnership.
Understanding Worker Leave Policies: An Overview
A summary of three types of public leave policies that address the health and caregiving needs of today's working families - unpaid FMLA leave, paid family and medical leave, and paid sick and safe days.
Expecting Better: A State-by-State Analysis of Laws That Help New Parents (2014)
REPORT | Expecting Better (Third Edition) is a comprehensive analysis of state laws and regulations governing paid leave and workplace rights for new parents in the United States.
Paid Sick Days Are Necessary To Manage Chronic Illness
FACT SHEET | Nearly one in two people in the United States have a chronic medical condition that requires regular care – and chronic conditions are becoming more prevalent. At the same time, more than 40 million U.S. workers don't have access to paid sick days...
Trabajadores Latinos y Sus Familias Necesitan Días Pagados por Enfermedad
Más que 12 millones de trabajadores latinos - casi el 60 por ciento de la fuerza laboral latina - no tienen días pagados por enfermedad para recuperarse de enfermedades comunes.
Expecting Better: A State-by-State Analysis of Laws That Help New Parents (2012)
REPORT | Second Edition. Across the political spectrum, more of our nation's leaders acknowledge that 21st century families face significant challenges in meeting their responsibilities at home and on the job.
112th Congress: Work and Family Agenda
Every day, working women and men in the United States struggle to meet the dual demands of work and family because their workplaces are without basic family friendly policies. It is long past time for workplaces to reflect the needs of 21st century working families,...
Taking Care of Business: The Business Benefits of Paid Leave
FACT SHEET | Businesses benefit when employees are able to take time away from work to cope with personal and family illnesses. More satisfied and productive workers translate into improved workplace morale, greater worker loyalty and better bottom lines.
The Time for Paid Sick Days Is Now: Survey Shows Overwhelming Public Support For a Paid Sick Days Workplace Standard
A new survey conducted by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago and commissioned by the Public Welfare Foundation demonstrates that lack of access to paid sick days has significant negative consequences for public health, health care costs,...
Paid Sick Days: Attitudes and Experiences – Key Findings Presentation
Key findings from the 2010 NORC/Public Welfare Foundation national survey on Paid Sick Days. Survey of 1461 Adults, conducted March - May 2010. Presentation prepared by the National Partnership for Women & Families.
Paid Sick Days: Attitudes and Experiences
REPORT | Prepared by Dr. Tom W. Smith and Jibum Kim at the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago for the Public Welfare Foundation
Building Better Workplaces for Family Caregivers
FACT SHEET | Millions of Americans who are elderly, disabled, or chronically ill rely on family caregivers, as do our nation's children. Many of these family caregivers are struggling to manage both their caregiving responsibilities and the jobs they need to support...
111th Congress: Work and Family Agenda
The 111th Congress Work and Family Agenda focuses on three areas: 1. Guaranteeing workers paid sick days for short-term, common illnesses; 2. Guaranteeing workers paid family and medical leave to care for longer-term, serious health conditions and to bond with new...