When it comes to ensuring decent working conditions for families, the latest research shows many U.S. public policies still lag dramatically behind all high-income countries, as well as many middle- and low-income countries.
One Sick Child Away From Being Fired: When “Opting Out” Is Not an Option
REPORT | One Sick Child Away From Being Fired: When "Opting Out" Is Not an Option. 2006, Joan C. Williams, Center for WorkLife Law, UC Hastings College of Law, San Francisco, California
Lost Productive Work Time Costs From Health Conditions in the United States: Results From the American Productivity Audit
The American Productivity Audit (APA) is a telephone survey of a random sample of 28,902 U.S. workers designed to quantify the impact of health conditions on work. Lost productive time (LPT) was measured for personal and family health reasons and expressed in hours...