POV: The overturning of ‘Roe’ ignores economic realities for pregnant people – Fast Company
The reality is that this decision must be understood in the context of women and all pregnant people‘s full lives, and how women’s ability to control their fertility is inextricably linked to the gains they have made since Roe was decided nearly 50 years ago.
Investing in Caregiving: An Equitable Way to Reduce Inflation – U.S. News
“While the economy has recovered significantly since the COVID-19 pandemic began, analysis by the National Partnership for Women & Families shows that the economy has lost 497,000 caregiving jobs since February 2020, harming both paid and unpaid caregivers alike.”
Letter: Protection for pregnant women – The Sentinel
“According to data provided by the National Partnership for Women & Families, nearly 31,000 cases of pregnancy discrimination were filed with federal and state agencies between 2011 and 2015”
How Philanthropy is Responding to the Fall of Roe — and What Abortion Rights Organizers Need Now – Inside Philanthropy
“The decision was years in the making — the inevitable result of a decades-long campaign to put politics and ideology ahead of women’s health and wellbeing and the rule of law,” said Jocelyn C. Frye, president of the National Partnership for Women & Families.
“Today’s decision severely limits access to abortion care, but tomorrow, it could be access to birth control or some other form of care,” said Frye of the National Partnership for Women & Families. “Women’s health should not be treated like a political football, and the consequences of these decisions are not a game.”
Where are our post-Roe reforms? It’s about the children, right? – Washington Post
“Our nation’s failure to provide a basic paid sick days standard has never been more apparent and workers and their families are paying the price,” according to the National Partnership for Women and Families.
Umm, Yes, The “Roe” Decision is a Problem for Black People – the B|E note
“Doctors have said it puts them in an untenable position where they have to base decisions on their legal liability, which shouldn’t be a consideration at all,” said Shaina Goodman, director for reproductive health and rights at the National Partnership for Women and Families. “At what point is the life of the mother at risk, when she’s coding on the table?”
Maternal mortality rates in the US outpace other industrialised nations. It’s about to get worse – The Independent
“The Supreme Court’s decision and its potentially life-threatening consequences will disproportionately impact Black women, who are three times more likely to die during pregnancy or childbirth than white women. Black women are also more likely to be uninsured, according to a 2019 report from the National Partnership for Women & Families.”
What Is the Average Number of Sick Days in the U.S.? – Workest by Zenefits
“Furthermore, BLS research found that, on average, workers who receive a fixed number of paid sick days use only around half of the sick days they earn per year. “This data dispels the myth that workers routinely abuse or over-utilize paid sick time,” says the National Partnership for Women & Families.”
Dads Share What Paid Family Leave Would Mean To Them In Heartwarming Video – Romper
“According to the “Fathers Need Paid Family and Medical Leave” article published in the June 2022 issue of National Partnership for Women & Families, one study found only one in 20 fathers in professional jobs took more than two weeks off after their most recent child was born, and three out of four took one week or less.”
Supporting fatherhood on fathers.day – The Keyword
National Partnership for Women & Families is committed to improving the lives of women and families by achieving equality for all women across issues of women’s health, reproductive rights and economic justice. They advocate at federal, state and local levels via grassroots efforts that include policy research, public education and engagement, technical assistance to policymakers and leadership and participation in diverse coalitions.