News Coverage
Why the pay gap for black women isn’t shrinking fast enough – NBC News

We Passed Paid Leave in Our States. The Rest of America Deserves The Same. – Newsweek

Our state programs are all a little bit different, but each one shares core principles: we have programs that are accessible and cover the range of reasons people need to take leave. Our three states together cover millions of people who know that if a medical emergency occurs, their first concern can be their loved one’s health, not how to pay their rent.

Why the pay gap for black women isn’t shrinking fast enough – NBC News

Racine residents push for paid family leave – Journal Times

One day while working Maria, who has diabetes, passed out due to low blood sugar and was taken to a hospital in Kenosha. Her recovery was going to take months. “I asked (my employer) if I could use my vacation days for medical leave,” Maria told The Journal Times. “They said I couldn’t use vacation time for medical leave.”