News Coverage
Workers Now Get Paid Sick Leave in New Jersey – NBC Philadelphia

Pregnant Women Are Losing Their Babies on the Job and Many Employers Don’t Care – Working Mother

Sarah Fleisch Fink, general counsel and director of workplace policy for the National Partnership for Women & Families, reminds women to “educate themselves on what protections there might be.” Even if the Pregnancy Discrimination Act can’t help you, “if there’s a Human Resources department, go to HR, or if it’s a unionized workforce, go to your union rep. Find out if people have been accommodated.”

Workers Now Get Paid Sick Leave in New Jersey – NBC Philadelphia

The #MeToo Workplace Policy That No One Is Talking About – The New Republic

“If you miss your court hearing, then you don’t get your protective order,” said [Marium] Durrani, who, before she joined the National Network to End Domestic Violence, was a lawyer representing victims of domestic violence in court. “Or you miss your job and your employer finds grounds to terminate you, and you probably don’t have resources to combat that. Beyond the physical and emotional implications of abuse, there are these long reaching ramifications.”

Workers Now Get Paid Sick Leave in New Jersey – NBC Philadelphia

The Legislature needs to get out of the way on paid sick days – Penn Live

[The Pennsylvania Health Action Network] sees many people each year who, though insured, cite barriers to getting care, including difficulty getting paid time off from employers to see their doctors when they are ill. This is a public health crisis, and it’s one that is disproportionately affecting women, African American and Latino workers, all of whom are overrepresented among low-wage workers and among part-time workers.

Workers Now Get Paid Sick Leave in New Jersey – NBC Philadelphia

Paid Family Leave Would Actually Make Businesses Stronger – Motherly

With every other developed country except the United States guaranteeing workers paid leave, the feasibility of paid leave has been well-tested across the world. But nevertheless, there still remains an underlying fear that it’ll somehow be bad for businesses in this country.