Economic Justice
Pass paid leave this legislative session – Santa Fe New Mexican

Here’s what you need to know about new workplace protections for pregnant, nursing workers – Nebraska Examiner

Jocelyn Frye, president of the National Partnership for Women & Families, said the passage of the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act was a win for gender and racial equity. She added, “For far too long, pregnant workers have gone without the critical protections many people need to maintain a healthy pregnancy: protections like the ability to take bathroom breaks during a shift, sit down while working a cash register, or pause to take a drink of water to stay hydrated.”

Pass paid leave this legislative session – Santa Fe New Mexican

We need more than policies to protect pregnant employees – Quartz

“The National Partnership for Women & Families has a guide that recommends ways employers can better support pregnant employees on the job. For example, extending accommodations to “all workers, regardless of part-time or temporary status,” not forcing workers to accept unnecessary accommodations, providing paid sick leave and family leave, not docking employees for tardy arrival, and eliminating ‘just-in-time’ scheduling, which gives employees very little notice of their shifts.”

Pass paid leave this legislative session – Santa Fe New Mexican

As pandemic continues and flu season rages, families need solid leave policies – Florida Union Times

“Access to paid leave helps our economy and helps keep people in the jobs they need so they can care for the families they love without jeopardizing their economic security. Yet 26 million workers currently lack access to paid sick days, as reported last month by the National Partnership for Women & Families. That includes 70 percent of the lowest wage workers, including many child care early educators.”

Pass paid leave this legislative session – Santa Fe New Mexican

OPINION: Sick kids need their parents. Why don’t we give them what they deserve? – Washington Post

According to calculations from the National Partnership for Women and Families, between April 14 and Aug. 16 of 2021, just 13 percent of Arkansas parents and 14 percent of Mississippi parents were backstopped by paid sick leave when they had a child who was too sick to attend school or day care. A mere 18 percent of parents in Florida, Georgia, Michigan and Texas were able to take paid time off to care for their sick children. Workers in some industries don’t have paid sick days at all. Employees in the rail industry nearly went on strike to protest their employers’ practice of penalizing them for taking unpaid leave.

Pass paid leave this legislative session – Santa Fe New Mexican

What Does the New Congress Mean for Family Policy? – New York Times

“Jocelyn Frye, the president of the National Partnership for Women and Families, who calls herself an “eternal optimist” about policy at the federal level, said she believes the conversation has moved forward in recent years. “The path is complicated, but the urgency is real” and “the support for the policies is real.” Going forward, she added, “the conversation will be less about whether there’s a value in paid leave, and increasingly a conversation about what paid leave should look like.”

Pass paid leave this legislative session – Santa Fe New Mexican

Consumers to Companies: Provide Women With Gender-Focused Support – Morning Consult

“Industry experts believe corporate advocacy for women is becoming an important factor in the race for talent as well. Lelaine Bigelow, vice president of social impact and congressional relations at the National Partnership for Women & Families, said women are going to make comparisons between employers based on whether or not they are “true champions of the female experience” — exhibited through every facet of a company’s operations, from the presence of extended benefits to its political contributions.”

Pass paid leave this legislative session – Santa Fe New Mexican

‘This is what we feared’: Latinas are largest group of women of color affected by abortion bans – USA Today

“More than 6.5 million Latinas – or 42% of Latinas ages 15 to 49 – live in the 26 states that have banned or are likely to ban abortion, according to the report by the National Partnership for Women & Families and the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice.”

“‘Anybody who is capable of getting pregnant at some point in their life may need or want an abortion,’ said Shaina Goodman, director for reproductive health and rights at the National Partnership for Women & Families, and report co-author ‘…That being said, there are people who are disproportionately harmed, and those are people who live at the intersection of multiple historically marginalized identities where there are real structural barriers to get care.'”