Children spending more quality time with their fathers has a cascade of social benefits, according to the Swedish government, but it also allows women to pursue their careers and become more active members of the workforce.
Family leave is a Catholic issue – U.S. Catholic
Being openly dedicated to the betterment of employees and their families remains a gold standard for Catholic organizations that align themselves with the Catholic mission. Some Catholic companies have begun to go beyond FMLA regulations to further support employees and their families.
Lawmakers Push to Expand Paid Family Leave in Rhode Island – Associated Press
The bill would also make caregivers of a sibling or grandchild eligible. It would increase the amount that people who [earn] less than double the minimum wage can receive when claiming temporary caregiver insurance.
Millennials Struggling to Care for Aging Baby Boomer Parents Call for Better Paid Leave – TIME
One positive aspect of so many millennials taking on caregiving responsibilities, experts say, is that it may force lawmakers and companies to start paying attention.
Jersey City to offer paid parental leave for municipal workers – Jersey Journal
Jersey City municipal workers will be eligible for paid parental leave, thanks to an executive order signed by Mayor Steve Fulop.
How paid leave affects families and not just those having babies – Deseret News
If Utah offered paid family leave, [Jasmine] Parker says she’d have a buffer — time to deal with crises in her own immediate family, time for a vacation, time to just breathe. “It would be amazing,” she says. “I think I’m probably like a lot of people. Sometimes, it feels pretty overwhelming.”
Local Connection: Paid Family Leave – Hawaii News Now
We should not be asking families to choose between losing their income and caring for family members when they are ill.
‘We’re in the 19th century’: Tammy Duckworth on motherhood and the Senate – The Guardian
“We seem to have this view that paid family leave is some sort of touchy-feely women’s only policy,” [Sen.] Duckworth said. “This isn’t just an entitlement. It’s really an economic imperative for our nation.”
Paid family and medical leave is necessary to protect Americans – Albuquerque Journal
Having enough time to establish a breastfeeding relationship prior to returning to work represents one of a multitude of reasons why paid family medical leave is an issue central to the health of New Mexican families.
A New Study Shows How Other Countries Are Making Paid Leave Work – Slate
Jody Heymann, the study’s senior author, says it’s clear that if the U.S. implemented a program aligning with the study’s findings, “families would be less likely to fall into poverty, women would have better economic outcomes in terms of their earnings, which contributes to family earnings, and the U.S. would be every bit as able to compete and have as low an unemployment rate.”
Why America Needs a Paid Family Leave Act for All – TIME
When you look at the people who are able to take unpaid leave with the FMLA, more than three-quarters must do so to care for their own health or that of a seriously ill family member. We need a national policy that covers everyone.
I’m A Caregiver & Any Paid Family Leave Plan Should Include Us – Refinery29
In December 2017, Kate Boone, 26, an account manager with Century Support Services in North Huntingdon, PA — another state without a paid family leave law — had to choose between using the unpaid FMLA leave or continuing to work while taking care of her mother, who has Parkinson’s Disease and broke her hip twice within a month.
Why Don’t We Just Do Paid Family Leave the Right Way? – The New York Times
Mr. Rubio and Ms. Trump should drop their worries about cost and expand their vision. They could pledge to offer Americans 12 paid weeks off not just for the arrival of a new child, but also if they fall sick or need to care for a family member. They could nix the idea that parents have to pay for their own benefits out of Social Security.
Inside the movement for paid time off to have a baby — in Utah and beyond – Deseret News
[P]erhaps the fact that the LDS Church — “a major employer in the state” — already offers paid parental leave will help move discussions along at the Legislature, said Senate Minority Leader Gene Davis, D-Salt Lake City. “The more we see employers instigating this in the private sector,” he said, “it only means that the public sector needs to do the same thing.”
Even the Right to Unpaid Family Leave Was Once Revolutionary – Slate
There are moments when you can almost feel the ground shift beneath you. When then-Sen. Al Gore took to the Senate floor to describe his 6-year-old son Albert’s terrifying 1989 accident, it was a pivotal moment not just for the Gore family but also for the country.
Commentary: Paid family leave system will benefit workers, businesses, elderly and more – Press Herald
Paid leave could provide a key component of caring for Maine’s aging population. By 2030, 28 percent of our population is expected be 65 or older, and almost two-thirds of those are expected to need long-term services and supports.
Duckworth: 2018 is past time to get real on paid leave – CNN
Across our nation, working parents face barriers to staying in the workforce. Lack of access to affordable child care and to paid family, medical and parental leave forces people to choose between taking care of their children or a sick family member and losing their job and their health insurance.
Paid parental leave elusive 25 years after Family and Medical Leave Act – CNN
“It’s a public health emergency that we don’t offer more support for parents in this country,” said Darby Saxbe, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Southern California.
California men are jumping at the chance to take paid family leave – Sacramento Bee
About 85,000 California men took paid family leave in California during the 2017 fiscal year, double the number that took paternity leave in 2009, according to the latest figures from the California Employment Development Department.
My Turn: Paid family leave would be a workforce driver – Concord Monitor
Being on the advisory board of the Workforce Accelerator 2025, the board of the New Hampshire Manufacturing Extension Partnership, the statewide champion of the Manufacturing Sector Partnership Initiative, and former chair of New Hampshire’s Business and Industry Association, I am very much aware of the workforce development challenges facing the state. A paid leave program in New Hampshire would be a workforce driver for the state.