Paid Leave
New parents are forced to make ‘crazy decisions’ to keep their jobs and care for their kids – CNBC

Family leave, an unexpected election winner? – Boston Globe

“We saw in poll after poll, voters saying this was an issue they cared about,” said Vicki Shabo, vice president of the National Partnership for Women & Families. While many such policies have been supported by progressive candidates for decades, “the fact that it came up in the general election by the Republican candidate was totally unprecedented.”

New parents are forced to make ‘crazy decisions’ to keep their jobs and care for their kids – CNBC

Deloitte CEO: Family leave invests in our employees – The Hill

There was a time not long ago when employees were supposed to leave family issues at home. The stress of caring for an elderly parent, a sick spouse, or a newborn was something better left outside the confines of the office. It was even taboo to take too much time off to deal with something personal, other than a short maternity leave.

New parents are forced to make ‘crazy decisions’ to keep their jobs and care for their kids – CNBC

Best Mother’s Day gift: paid maternity leave – Miami Herald Magazine

When Yalimar Panell gave birth to twin daughters, she felt sore from her Cesarean section, exhausted from running back and forth to the neonatal unit, and oddly grateful that her husband was unemployed and able to help. Yet, if it wasn’t for her employer offering 16 weeks of paid parental leave, Panell says she would have been less grateful and more frantic about the financial stress on her family.

New parents are forced to make ‘crazy decisions’ to keep their jobs and care for their kids – CNBC

How the Tech Industry’s Women Problem Is Advancing Paid Family Leave – Bloomberg

Last week, Twitter became the latest tech company to announce an expanded parental leave policy, offering all new parents 20 weeks of paid time off. The tech industry seems to be leading the way among industries offering robust family leave—something most Americans don’t have access to—and it may be thanks to a counterintuitive factor: The industry’s notable lack of women.

New parents are forced to make ‘crazy decisions’ to keep their jobs and care for their kids – CNBC

14 Things You Should Know About Paid Leave in the U.S. – Cosmopolitan

At some point in your career, you will probably need to take time off from your job to care for yourself or a family member, or to welcome a tiny new human into your life. But because the federal government doesn’t require your workplace to offer paid family leave, it’s possible that you will have to choose between earning money and looking after a loved one – the latter which, yes, is pretty darn hard to do without an income.