Paid Sick Days
Lawmakers Aim to Help People Balance Work, Family  – Stateline

Lawmakers Aim to Help People Balance Work, Family – Stateline

“Families are really struggling, and part of the reason they can’t get ahead is they lack basic protections,” said Vicki Shabo of the National Partnership for Women & Families, an advocacy group in Washington, D.C. “The challenges they’re facing are not their individual problems to face — they’re not alone. These are challenges that really sweep the country.”

Lawmakers Aim to Help People Balance Work, Family  – Stateline

Murray launches new push for paid leave – The Hill

“Paid sick days laws are or will soon be in place in 21 places across the country and 81 percent of voters say they want lawmakers to consider new laws like paid sick days,” the National Partnership for Women & Families said in a statement. “It is past time for action at the federal level.”

Lawmakers Aim to Help People Balance Work, Family  – Stateline

Senate Shock: Bipartisan Support for Paid Sick Days – RH Reality Check

“To see 61 senators—Democrats and Republicans—go on record in support of paid sick days is a clear sign that elected officials are hearing from their constituents and taking note of the many cities and states that are adopting paid sick days laws, which are working well for businesses, economies, workers and families,” Debra L. Ness, president of the National Partnership for Women and Families.

Lawmakers Aim to Help People Balance Work, Family  – Stateline

Senate must confirm Loretta Lynch now – The Hill

“At this moment in history, when we have had so many reminders that discrimination still pervades our workplaces and communities, confirmation of Lynch to serve as attorney general would send a powerful and badly needed message that lawmakers can put aside partisanship and petty squabbling when so much is at stake'” said Debra L. Ness, president of the National Partnership for Women & Families.

Lawmakers Aim to Help People Balance Work, Family  – Stateline

Advocates Say the Time Is Now for National Paid Sick Leave Legislation – RH Reality Check

While the press conference was happening, Philadelphia became the 17th U.S. city to pass a local law mandating paid sick days. Three states—Connecticut, California, and Massachusetts—mandate paid sick leave as well. The bulk of these advances at the city and state level have come just in the last two years, the fruits of a decade-long grassroots campaign.

“What a difference a few years makes,” said Debra Ness, president of the National Partnership for Women and Families.