112th Congress: Work and Family Agenda

Every day, working women and men in the United States struggle to meet the dual demands of work and family because their workplaces are without basic family friendly policies. It is long past time for workplaces to reflect the needs of 21st century working families,...

Why Women Need the Affordable Care Act: Affordability

Women on average earn less than men and are more likely to live in poverty. Female households, which are on the rise, are especially at risk of of living in poverty. Many women also have caregiving responsibilities, which limit their time and ability to work outside...

Taking Care of Business: The Business Benefits of Paid Leave

FACT SHEET | Businesses benefit when employees are able to take time away from work to cope with personal and family illnesses. More satisfied and productive workers translate into improved workplace morale, greater worker loyalty and better bottom lines.

Supportive Workplace Policies Are Critical for Nursing Mothers

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) gives millions of nursing moms the support and protection they need. The National Partnership for Women & Families and the United States Breastfeeding Committee would like to clarify the scope of this important new provision in the law...

Building Better Workplaces for Family Caregivers

FACT SHEET | Millions of Americans who are elderly, disabled, or chronically ill rely on family caregivers, as do our nation's children. Many of these family caregivers are struggling to manage both their caregiving responsibilities and the jobs they need to support...

111th Congress: Work and Family Agenda

The 111th Congress Work and Family Agenda focuses on three areas: 1. Guaranteeing workers paid sick days for short-term, common illnesses; 2. Guaranteeing workers paid family and medical leave to care for longer-term, serious health conditions and to bond with new...

Guia para la Familiares y Medicas (FMLA): Preguntas y Respuestas

A principios de 1993, el Presidente Clinton firmó la Ley sobre Licencias por Razones Familiares y Médicas (Family and Medical Leave Act - FMLA), con la cual culminó casi una década de lucha por promulgar una legislación que permitiera a las personas ausentarse del...