“We are delighted that the Supreme Court has upheld the Affordable Care Act. It is the greatest advance for women’s health in a generation, and is a badly needed law.
Today’s ruling means that millions of women will no longer be uninsured or underinsured.
It means we will soon see an end to the days when people with pre-existing conditions are denied coverage, and women face discrimination in pricing and go without basic reproductive and preventive care.
It means that families will no longer face losing their savings, homes and economic security when serious illness strikes.
It means the historic expansions of Medicaid eligibility, to guarantee access to affordable coverage for millions of lower-income women who have previously been shut out, will stand.
It means we can continue the progress toward a patient-centered health care system that coordinates care for people with multiple chronic conditions and their family caregivers, and helps us use our health care dollars more wisely.
It means every American will finally have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that their insurance will not be yanked away when they need it most.
This is a good day for women, families, our economy and our nation.
It is time — past time — to put aside partisan bickering and instead focus on implementing this law. Millions of women are already benefitting from free preventive services, the elimination of lifetime limits on coverage, the ability to keep children on their parent’s insurance plan until age 26, by saving money on prescription drugs, and more. In 2014, millions more Americans will have access to affordable insurance coverage.
As we move to a more patient-centered approach that emphasizes coordination of care, we will improve the quality of people’s lives while reducing the burden of ever-rising health care costs.
Now that the Supreme Court has ruled, it’s time to join together to do what is needed to make the promise of reform a reality for every American. The time for politics is passed. The time for progress is now.”