“Women lost and anti-choice extremism won today when the House of Representatives passed H.R. 3, the misnamed and discriminatory ‘No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act.’ If women’s health, women’s lives and the well-being of families mattered to the majority in the House of Representatives, Members would have rejected this appalling bill. Instead, they took one more step down a road that puts women in danger and denies our access to basic reproductive health care.
We must now count on the Senate and President Obama to stand strong for women’s health and refuse to let this callous legislation become law.
The ‘No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act’ is deceptive, politically-motivated and dangerous to women. It isn’t just about ensuring that taxpayers don’t pay for insurance coverage of abortion. That shameful prohibition is already in place. For decades, federal law has prohibited the use of taxpayer dollars for abortion services for women who rely on the government for their health care. This unjust policy has caused incalculable harm to low-income women, military women, and other women who face unintended pregnancies and rely on federally supported health insurance plans. The bill would make those restrictions permanent in U.S. law.
And the legislation goes even further. The House is now trying to impose its extreme ideology on the private insurance market by eliminating premium assistance and tax credits for individuals and small businesses that want to keep or get plans that cover this basic service.
This legislation the House passed today is about making abortion and other reproductive health care less accessible for all women. Its supporters don’t want abortion to be legal in America, so they are doing all they can to make it more difficult and costly for women to safely get a legal and routine medical procedure.
Anti-choice extremists prevailed in the House today, but they must not carry the day. We urge the Senate to reject this extreme, anti-woman legislation.”