“One year. Tomorrow, May 29, it will be one year since the U.S. Supreme Court turned its back on Lilly Ledbetter, a victim of egregious wage discrimination. One year since our highest court set a new standard that, in the real world, means most women who are denied fair pay cannot get justice from our legal system.
One year during which lower courts have relied on that unjust ruling to deny relief to other victims of discrimination.
One year during which the United States Senate has failed to override this appalling ruling.
One year during which President Bush’s effort to make our highest court friendlier to employers that discriminate has prevailed.
One year during which our nation’s proud commitment to fair pay has been in jeopardy.
One year during which women and families and America lost.
That year ends tomorrow, the first anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Ledbetter v. Goodyear. It’s time for the injustice to end as well. The House of Representatives passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act last year to reverse the Supreme Court’s ruling in this case. It’s past time for the Senate to do the same.
We call for another Senate vote on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, and ask every Senator to examine his or her conscience and vote ‘yes’ this time. It’s time to restore meaningful protections against discrimination that make real our nation’s fundamental commitment to fairness and equality.”