“Today’s vote in the Vermont House of Representatives paves the way for the state to be the fifth in the nation to guarantee workers the right to earn paid sick time. This is a major victory for the approximately 60,000 Vermont workers who do not currently have paid sick days and their families, and for the overall health and well-being of the state and our nation. It is the country’s second paid sick days advance so far this year.
When Governor Shumlin signs this bill, as he has pledged to do, Vermont will join the growing list of 27 other jurisdictions across the country that have shown they recognize the widespread benefits of paid sick days by establishing common sense standards of their own. Vermont’s law will add to the tremendous progress we have seen in recent years and strengthen the body of evidence that shows overwhelmingly that public paid sick days policies are good for workers, businesses and economies.
We commend the Vermont Paid Sick Days Coalition and the Main Street Alliance of Vermont for their tireless work to secure this victory. It marks a strong start to the year for the workers, advocates, lawmakers and business leaders who are committed to making our nation one in which people no longer have to choose between a job and their health because they cannot earn paid sick days. It is past time for Congress to show the same concern for workers and communities by passing the Healthy Families Act.”
The National Partnership convenes a broad and diverse coalition that supports the Healthy Families Act, which would establish a national paid sick days standard. More information can be found at PaidSickDays.org.