“The St. Paul City Council’s approval today of a paid sick and safe days ordinance that Mayor Coleman supports puts the city on track to become the 35th jurisdiction in the nation with such a law. The Minneapolis City Council approved a similar measure in May, which means the state’s two most populous cities – including the state capital – will soon guarantee critically important paid sick time protections. This is great news for the health and well-being of workers and families in the Twin Cities, as well as area businesses and the economy. It is a win for Minnesota that means the drumbeat for statewide and, ultimately, nationwide standards grows even stronger.
When St. Paul’s ordinance is fully implemented, approximately 68,300 private sector workers who currently cannot earn paid sick days will no longer have to choose between their paychecks or their jobs when they get sick or a family member needs care. The measure was crafted based on the recommendations of a special task force of workers, businesses and labor leaders. Beginning on July 1, 2017, eligible employees who work for private sector employers with 24 or more employees will accrue one hour of paid sick and safe time for every 30 hours worked, up to 48 hours per year. Those who work for employers with 23 or fewer employees will do the same beginning on January 1, 2018.
The National Partnership commends TakeAction Minnesota, the Main Street Alliance of Minnesota and Isaiah for their tireless efforts to secure this victory for the state. According to a recent poll of likely 2016 voters in Minnesota, nearly two-thirds say they face hardship when managing job and family responsibilities – or someone close to them does. It should be no surprise then that 70 percent of those surveyed say they favor a federal paid sick days law like the Healthy Families Act, with 51 percent saying they ‘strongly’ support such a law. All lawmakers and those seeking office in Minnesota and across the country should take note and commit to advancing this common sense policy.”
The National Partnership convenes a broad and diverse coalition that supports the Healthy Families Act, which is now before Congress. More information can be found at PaidSickDays.org.