Nine nurses are pregnant at a Maine hospital. They all work in the baby-delivery unit. – Washinton Post
Ivanka Trump Has ‘Failed The Families Of This Country’ So Far With Paid Leave Proposals, Advocates Say – Newsweek
The Fight to End the Hyde Amendment Has Finally Come to the U.S. Senate – Rewire.News
Where ‘Bring Your Baby to Work Day’ Can Be Every Day – Governing
Trump’s Parental Leave Proposal Is Pure Hypocrisy – Huffington Post
President’s Latest Budget Is a How-To Guide for Harming Families
Statement of Debra L. Ness, President, National Partnership for Women & Families
The secret number maternity hospitals don’t want you to know, and why we’re revealing it – USA Today
Why the pay gap for black women isn’t shrinking fast enough – NBC News
Why paid family leave is about more than taking care of babies – MarketWatch
We Passed Paid Leave in Our States. The Rest of America Deserves The Same. – Newsweek
Our state programs are all a little bit different, but each one shares core principles: we have programs that are accessible and cover the range of reasons people need to take leave. Our three states together cover millions of people who know that if a medical emergency occurs, their first concern can be their loved one’s health, not how to pay their rent.
Fighting the Flu: Paid Sick Leave Reduces Infection Rates – Newswise
[Associate professor Nicolas] Ziebarth says: “Recently enacted sick leave mandates have significantly reduced [influenza-like-illness] infection rates by giving employees the possibility to take sick days rather than going to work sick and spreading diseases.”
The Health 202: Ivanka Trump pushes ‘bipartisan agreement’ on paid family leave – Washington Post
Women’s Leader to Congress: ‘Prioritize Women and Families by Supporting Paid Leave for All’
Statement of Debra L. Ness, President, National Partnership for Women & Families
What the shutdown taught us about paid family leave – Roll Call
Many federal workers and contractors had to make difficult choices between putting food on the table or paying their bills. What these government employees endured is, unfortunately, a sobering reality for many low-wage workers every day.
Racine residents push for paid family leave – Journal Times
One day while working Maria, who has diabetes, passed out due to low blood sugar and was taken to a hospital in Kenosha. Her recovery was going to take months. “I asked (my employer) if I could use my vacation days for medical leave,” Maria told The Journal Times. “They said I couldn’t use vacation time for medical leave.”
The Florida Yoga Studio Shooter Had “Hatred Towards Women,” Police Say – Bustle
Portland council and Maine Legislature consider mandated paid sick leave – Portland Press Herald
The [Portland City Council Health and Human Services and Public Safety Committee] held a public hearing on the ordinance Jan. 8 that lasted three hours. The vast majority of the speakers supported the ordinance, saying that workers shouldn’t have to choose between a day’s pay and taking care of themselves or a family member.