Women's Equality Day commemorates the adoption of the 19th Amendment to U.S. Constitution, which guaranteed women the right to vote. More than 90 years later, the fight for women's equal access and opportunity continues—especially in workplaces across the country.
Addressing the Latina Wage Gap: A Necessary Step for Our Nation’s Economic Prosperity
FACT SHEET | Even as Latinas have entered the workforce in record numbers totaling some 12.6 million, they continue to face the largest wage gap among women. Latinas in the United States are typically paid just 54 cents for every dollar paid to white, non-Hispanic men.
Partnership in Action: An Employer Guide to Building Gender Equity in the Workplace
A blueprint for employers looking to promote and implement equitable policies at their companies, and provides recommendations that would help women, especially women of color, return to and stay in the labor force.
Black Women and the Wage Gap
FACT SHEET | A look at what the wage gap means for Black women, especially in the 25 states with the largest populations of employed Black women.
This Mother’s Day, Moms Need Child Care, Paid Leave and Protections While Pregnant
FACT SHEET | Although all women are more likely to have home and care responsibilities than men, mothers have been particularly impacted by the pandemic economy.
Closing the Wage Gap for All Women Workers
Women who worked full time, year-round in 2020 were paid just 83 cents for every dollar that was paid to a man working full time, year-round. This full-time wage gap, as large as it is, has always left out millions of workers – disproportionately women of color – who...
Not Enough Family Friendly Policies: High Stakes for Women and Families
FACT SHEET | Women make up nearly half of the U.S. workforce and are the primary or co-breadwinners in two-thirds of families. But our nation’s public policies don’t reflect this reality.
We Decide: Demanding the Policies Pregnant People Need to Thrive
INFOGRAPHIC | When it comes to pregnancy and parenting, we all want to make the best decisions for our families and ourselves so that we can thrive.
An Unlevel Playing Field: America’s Gender-Based Wage Gap, Binds of Discrimination, And A Path Forward
ISSUE BRIEF | A report that finds that America’s gender-based wage gap is pervasive and has a disproportionate impact on the country’s mothers, especially single mothers and mothers of color.
The Misnamed Working Families Flexibility Act: 9 Key Flaws and A Better Solution
FACT SHEET | The misnamed Working Families Flexibility Act will likely mean more overtime hours and less money for workers without any guarantee of time off when they need it. Here are nine key flaws...