Methodology and Summaries of Maternity Care Episode Payment and Maternity Care Home Programs
The Transforming Maternal Health (TMaH) Model
FACT SHEET | The Transforming Maternal Health (TMaH) Model will be a decade-long pilot that aims to transform how maternity care is provided, who provides it, and how to pay for care that childbearing families need and want.
Key Terms & Resource Directory for Equity-Centered Payment Reform
This resource explains key terms and concepts for equity-centered payment reform and identifies key publications to support advocates.
Leveraging Value-Based Payment to Advance Health Equity
CASE STUDY | We need to change how (and for what) providers are paid, in order to support and incentivize equitable, high-quality primary care. The new Making Care Primary (MCP) model recently released by the CMS Innovation Center (CMMI) is a significant step forward.
Black Women’s Maternal Health: A Multifaceted Approach to Addressing Persistent and Dire Health Disparities
REPORT | The reproductive health of Black women has long been compromised by interpersonal, institutional, and structural racism. In addition to contending with social and economic drivers of poor health that undermine Black Americans, they have experienced...
Leading the Way
REPORT | Reproductive Healthcare Providers that are Raising the Bar for their Patients and Communities
House Fiscal Year 2024 Appropriations Bills Reveal An Extreme Agenda That Would Set Women Back Decades
FACT SHEET | The Fiscal Year 2024 appropriations bills put forward by House Republican leaders make clear their intent to continue the unrelenting efforts of extremists to erode women’s rights and eliminate hard-won protections essential to women's survival.
Transforming Health Care to Achieve Equity: Centering Consumer Priorities in Value-Based Payment Reform
PRIMER | The foundation of how health care is paid for is being rewritten right now. Government decision-makers and health care industry leaders from across the country are working to shift health care payment from paying for volume, called fee for service (FFS), to...
State Abortion Bans Harm More Than 15 Million Women of Color
ISSUE BRIEF | Our analysis shows that one year after Dobbs, more than 36 million women of reproductive age live in states that have or are likely to ban abortion.
Ensure Whole-Person Care to Achieve Maternal Health Equity
Raising the Bar | This guidance document outlines recommendations for ways health plans can raise the bar for maternal health equity and excellence as provider partners.
Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) Coalition Letter to Congress
LETTER | 28 organizations urge Congress to cosponsor the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA), a bill that would create a statutory right for health care providers to provide abortion care and a right for their patients to receive that care.
Report: Patient & Family Engagement
Report on Patient and Family Engagement: Improving Health and Advancing Equity
Recommendations: Patient & Family Engagement
Recommendations for Patient and Family Engagement: Improving Health and Advancing Equity
Infographic: Virtual Visits
Virtual Visits: 5 Ways to Better Engage Patients & Families
Infographic: Shared Decision Making
Myth Busters Shared Decision-Making
Infographic: Fostering Trust
Trust Is a 2-Way Street: Fostering Trust in Patient-Provider Relationships
Paid Leave Would Cut Healthcare Costs
It is more apparent than ever. The lack of a national paid family and medical leave policy in the United States costs working people their health and financial security – and the price tag is rising.
Minimum Wage and Abortion Access
In the United States, people with lower incomes, people with disabilities, and people of color have never fully enjoyed reproductive freedom. Whether a person wants to have a child or wants to not have children, their ability to exercise these rights has consistently...
Effective and Equitable Patient Engagement Via Technology
The historic COVID-19 pandemic ushered in a new era of the digital age. Technology became even more important in our daily lives -- turning into a requirement for meeting our basic needs and communications.
Choosing Health Equity: Understanding Decision Points in Research
Systemic racism is a fundamental, multilevel driver of pervasive health inequities in the United States. Racism threatens our nation’s health so deeply that the American Medical Association, the American Public Health Association, and a growing list of U.S. cities,...