MEMO | A comprehensive analysis of the websites of all declared 2016 general election candidates for U.S. Senate, U.S. House and governor to quantify the extent to which candidates mentioned paid sick days, paid family and medical leave, fair or equal pay, and...
Key Findings: 2016 Election Eve/Election Night Survey
A summary of the results of a survey of 2016 general election voters conducted for the National Partnership by Lake Research Partners and the Tarrance Group showing strong support for family friendly workplace polices and the candidates who champion them.
Hart Research Survey Findings on Sick Days for Women Fast Food Workers
MEMO | Hart Research conducted a nationwide online survey among 1,217 women age 16 and older who work in fast food restaurants. This memo highlights the survey's findings about fast food workers' access to paid sick days.
Healthy Families Act Health Letter 9 10 15
Letter to Murray and DeLauro
Paid Sick Days — Map — Alaska
Alaskans Need Paid Sick Days
Connecticut’s Paid Sick Days Law Did Not Harm Employment
SNAPSHOT | Since Connecticut’s law took effect in 2012, the rate of job growth overall and in the leisure and hospitality industry – the sector most impacted by the law – has been stronger than in prior years.
Paid Sick Days — Teleconference Recording — Senator Murray — April 23, 2015
Senator Murray discusses the next steps for the Healthy Families Act, April 23, 2015.
Poll: Findings and Political Implications for Paid Sick Day Legislation
Paid sick days victories in Philadelphia and Connecticut confirms recent polling results: there is deep and unwavering geographic and key demographic group support for legislation that guarantees all citizens the opportunity to earn paid sick days from their employers
Poll: Survey Findings On Connecticut Paid Sick Leave Law
On July 5th, 2011, Connecticut became the first state to pass a law giving many workers the right to earn paid sick days.
Women, Work, and Family Health: A Balancing Act
Women, Work and Family Health: A Balancing Act, 2003, Issue Brief, An Update on Women's Healthy Policy, The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Working Sick, Getting Stiffed: How Some of America’s Biggest Companies Fail Their Workers and Jeopardize Public Health
Working Sick, Getting Stiffed: How Some of America's Biggest Companies Fail Their Workers and Jeopardize Public Health. 2007, Association of Community Organizations for Reforms Now, ACORN's Healthy Workers, Healthy Families Campaign for Paid Sick Days.
Valuing Good Health: An Estimate of Costs and Savings for the Healthy Families Act
Valuing Good Health: An Estimate of Costs and Savings for the Healthy Families Act, 2005, by Vicky Lovell. Institute for Women's Policy Research, Washington, DC
Model Earned Paid Sick and Safe Time Legislation
A Bill to Be Entitled “The Healthy Families and Workplaces Act”
Back to School Parent Survey Post PTA Meeting
WORD DOCUMENT | Sample survey for parents following discussion at a PTA meeting
Healthy Families Act Coalition Letter to Congress
A 2013 letter urging members of Congress to establish a national paid sick days standard that would help working families meet their health and financial needs, while boosting business productivity and improving worker retention.
National Partnership for Women and Families 2012 Election Eve/Night Omnibus Nationwide Poll Results
How important is it to you that Congress and the President consider new laws to help keep working families economically secure, including ensuring workers the right to earn paid sick days and creating a system of family and medical leave insurance - very important,...
Testimony of National Partnership President Debra L. Ness Before New York City Council Committee on Paid Sick Days
Testimony of Debra L. Ness, President, National Partnership for Women & Families, On Introduction 0097-2010, In relation to the provision of sick time earned by employees. Submitted to the New York City Council Committee on Civil Service and Labor.
Family Friendly Workplace Policies Must Include Grandparents
Grandparents are the glue that holds many families together - yet our workplace laws don't honor their critical role.
Paid Sick Days Benefit Children’s Health
Children inevitably get sick – and they get better faster when their parents care for them. Unfortunately, tens of millions of workers in the United States are not able to earn paid days to care for a sick child.
State and Local Action on Paid Sick Days
Detailed summaries of state and local paid sick days campaigns, activity and legislation.