Every day, millions of workers in the United States are forced to jeopardize their wages and their jobs when they become sick or need to care for a sick child or loved one. For women – and particularly for women of color – the inability to earn paid sick days can have...
Working Women Need Paid Sick Days
Every day, millions of workers in the United States are forced to jeopardize their wages and their jobs when they become sick or need to care for a sick child or loved one. For women, the inability to earn paid sick days can have particularly devastating consequences.
Paid Sick Leave Does Not Harm Business Growth or Job Growth
A bill in the New York City Council guaranteeing workers the right to earn paid sick leave is closely modeled on a law enacted by San Francisco in 2007.
Paid Sick Days Survey
The following results are from a survey given to 500 Connecticut voters in response to paid sick days.
Statements from Coalition Leaders on Paid Sick Days
Reflecting the breadth of support for paid sick days, leaders of the following organizations have spoken out on Connecticut becoming the first state in the nation to pass paid sick days legislation.
Paid Sick Days Memo
On July 5th, 2011, Connecticut became the first state to pass a law giving many workers the right to earn paid sick days.
Paid Sick Days Testimony – March 1, 2011
Like many across the nation, Connecticut's working families are struggling harder than ever to make ends meet. For workers without paid sick days, a bad case of the flu or a child's fever can mean the loss of a much-needed paycheck or even a job.
Senate Bill for the Healthy Families Act in the 108th Congress
A bill to provide for paid sick leave to ensure that Americans can address their own health needs and the health needs of their families.
Women’s Equality Day 2010: Steps Toward Women’s Equality
Women's Equality Day commemorates the adoption of the 19th Amendment to U.S. Constitution, which guaranteed women the right to vote. More than 90 years later, the fight for women's equal access and opportunity continues—especially in workplaces across the country.
Grandparent’s Day 2010: Work-Family Policies Must Include Grandparents
Grandparents are the glue that holds many families together—yet our workplace laws don't honor their critical role.
Midwest Workers Speak: The Employee Case for Flexibility in Manufacturing Jobs
Manufacturing industry workers are struggling with job and financial insecurity. Few have access to the basic flexible workplace policies they need to manage their responsibilities at home and on the job.
Los Angeles Workers Speak: The Employee Case for Flexibility in Hourly, Lower-Wage Jobs
Hourly, lower-wage workers are much less likely than salaried, professional employees to have workplace flexibility. Many are required to work in shifts that are unpredictable and constantly changing; they may be asked to work overtime with little notice; and they...
Flexibility for Success: How Workplace Flexibility Policies Benefit All Workers and Employers
A growing number of employers recognize the benefits of flexible workplace practices. These employers know that setting workplace standards that promote flexibility and allow workers to meet the dual demands of work and family improves employee productivity, loyalty...
Work and Family Policy Options for Advocates and Legislators
Workers should not have to choose between a paycheck, their job, and their own health or the health of their families. Yet, because of the lack of policies that help workers meet their family responsibilities, many workers face this choice every day.
Healthy Families Act Coalition Letter to Congress
A 2011 letter urging members of Congress to establish a national paid sick days standard that would help working families meet their health and financial needs, while boosting business productivity and improving worker retention.
Paid Sick Days Protect the Economic Security of Working Families
A minimum paid sick days standard would help to protect millions of working families from falling further into financial crisis during these tough economic times.
Paid Sick Days Improve Public Health
FACT SHEET | Every day, millions of U.S. workers face an impossible choice when they are sick: stay home and risk their economic security or go to work and risk their health and the public’s health.
Paid Sick Days to Care for a Child at Home
FACT SHEET | Fourteen states and over a dozen cities and counties have adopted laws that give workers the right to earn paid sick days.
Healthy Kids, Healthy Schools: The Case for a National Paid Sick Days Standard
FACT SHEET | Both parents and educators know firsthand the importance of keeping children healthy, and access to paid sick days for parents can make a real difference.
Using Paid Sick Days for Medication Abortion
Everyone needs time to access health care without threatening their economic stability. Paid sick days allow a person to recover from short-term illnesses, access preventive care, undergo a basic medical procedure, or care for a sick child or family member. Yet more...