[I]n the United States, whether you have the time and financial support for caregiving too often depends on whether you happen to work for a company that offers paid sick days or paid family and medical leave. It likely also depends on whether lawmakers or your human resources department decide your loved one counts as “family.”
New York City institutes paid ‘safe leave’ for domestic violence – The Ladders
For survivors of domestic violence, maintaining your economic independence and financial security can be key to escaping your abuser and protecting your family.
Letter to the editor: Paid sick leave for all would keep everyone healthy – Press Herald
Those of us who have paid sick time at our jobs take for granted that we can afford to go to the doctor for preventive care, or stay home when we’re contagious.
Austin considers requiring private companies to provide paid sick leave – KXAN News
“Working families should not decide between paying their rent or being able to take care of themselves or their families,” said Ana Gonzalez, an advocate at the Workers Defense Project.
Task force recommends sick and safe time ordinance – Duluth News Tribune
Whenever the Duluth City Council (Minn.) decides to hear it, the city’s earned sick and safe time task force is going to recommend “an ordinance be enacted requiring employers with more than five employees in Duluth provide earned sick and safe leave to all employees.”
City Council passes bill allowing domestic violence, sex abuse victims to take paid sick leave – NY Daily News
Domestic violence and sexual assault victims will be able to take paid time off from work under a bill passed by the City Council Tuesday.
Have You Ever Had to Work When You Were Sick? – The Nation
When a lack of health protections clashes with a sudden illness or a family member’s medical crisis, workers can become exhausted, less productive at work, and more prone to negative temperament at work and at home.
Council unanimously votes to explore paid sick leave – KXAN News
Austin City Council voted unanimously late Thursday night to develop a policy for private employers to offer paid sick leave to their workers.
Maryland workers need paid sick leave, not another study – Baltimore Sun
As elected officials, Governor Hogan and I already have access to earned paid sick days. Don’t all Marylanders deserve that same opportunity?
Rhode Island Will Become Eighth State to Guarantee Paid Sick Leave—and It’s No Coincidence – Rewire News Group
The Rhode Island legislature considered a paid sick leave bill last year, but it didn’t get much traction. That’s when a number of different factors intervened.
The researchers found that workers without paid sick leave benefits reported a statistically significant higher level of psychological distress. They also are 1.45 times more likely to report that their distress symptoms interfere “a lot” with their daily life and activities compared to workers with paid sick leave.
Good jobs improve health and profits – The Star
Employers have seen a decrease in absenteeism, lower safety risks, as well as higher productivity rates at their workplaces as a result of providing fair wages, decent schedules and paid sick days to their employees.
Push Launched Toward Requiring Austin Employers To Provide Paid Worker Sick Leave – Patch
[District 4 Councilman Greg] Casar noted the effort to require paid sick leave is no anomaly for Austin; more than 30 cities and seven state pave [sic] passed similar legislation.
Hundreds rally in Portland to support paid sick leave campaign – Press Herald
“Parents should not have to make that impossible decision of choosing between a paycheck and keeping their sick children home,” said Ina Demers, a member of the Maine Education Association.
Make paid sick leave the law across Illinois –
Paid sick time is about dignity. We all get sick sometimes. When we do, we shouldn’t have to risk losing our jobs or forgoing needed wages because we must stay home.
Why More Americans Are Getting Paid Sick Days – Huffington Post –
“The jump in access is an enormous testament to work of advocates and lawmakers passing common-sense policies that obviously and clearly are shown to increase access to sick time,” Vicki Shabo, vice president of the National Partnership for Women & Families.
Maryland Senate Makes History, Paves the Way for Nation’s Eighth Statewide Paid Sick Days Law
Statement of Debra L. Ness, President, National Partnership for Women & Families
Women’s Leader Hails Labor Department’s Proposed Rule for Offering Promise of Paid Sick Time to Nearly 830,000 More Workers
Statement of Debra L. Ness, President, National Partnership for Women amp&; Families
New Bureau of Labor Statistics Data Confirm Paid Sick Days Progress in Some Areas, Underscore the Need for a National Standard
Statement of Debra L. Ness, President, National Partnership for Women & Families
Pa. Workers, Businesses Need a Paid Sick Leave Law – Philly.com
The National Partnership for Women and Families reports that in San Francisco, the first American city to enact sick leave legislation, more than 70 percent of employers said there was no impact on their profitability.