As a new year begins, we have a lot to celebrate in Colorado.

As a new year begins, we have a lot to celebrate in Colorado.
The funding bill Congress passed last weekend lifts the terribly unfair ban on coverage for abortion services for Peace Corps volunteers who survive rape or incest, or whose lives would be jeopardized by continuing a pregnancy.
On November 4th, voters in North Dakota made history when they made it the third state in the nation to decisively reject a “personhood” amendment and, with it, the extreme agenda of the personhood movement.
Over the last four decades, we’ve watched anti-choice advocates shift focus from criminalizing abortion to an incremental strategy of passing medically unnecessary regulations designed to force abortion clinics to close down.
Kicking off in Los Angeles, California on August 9th, the All* Above All Be Bold Road Trip began its month-long, cross-country journey through 12 cities and eight states.
The Missouri Legislature is just hours away from deciding if politics will once again trump medicine.
Women’s health care has targeted medication abortion since it became available in the U.S. over the past decade and a half ago.
Oklahomans pride themselves on the way our citizens pull together in emergencies and tragedies. But many residents, unfortunately, also like to call ours the most conservative state.
On February 4, dozens of allies met on the steps of the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH) in Baton Rouge to do something that we rarely get to do on the harsh battlefield of reproductive justice work in Louisiana – celebrate a victory.
Voters in Virginia faced a clear choice when it came to women’s health and reproductive rights in the Virginia governor’s race.
“Mija, I think that a woman should make her own decision about abortion for herself. It’s her body and no one is in her shoes to decide for her.” These are the words of my father, a proud immigrant from Michoacán, Mexico, a domestic worker, a brother to five sisters and a father to three daughters.
Nestled in the Appalachian mountains, Charleston, West Virginia wouldn’t at first glance seem to have much in common with Cerritos College, a predominantly Latino community college with its campus in Los Angeles…
Over the course of several months, the North Carolina House of Representatives has launched a series of attacks on a woman’s right to choose, passing several bills that seek to limit access to abortion.