
We All Need to Take a Stand Against Hate

| Aug 18, 2017

Like you, I’m still haunted by images of Charlottesville and deeply troubled by the news that continues to unfold this week, including the tragic, unconscionable terrorist attacks in Spain.

My heart breaks for Susan Bro, whose daughter Heather Heyer was murdered by a neo-Nazi on Saturday and whose defiant, poignant words offered a moment of healing for Charlottesville and for our nation.

“If I have to give her up, we’re going to make it count. … This is just the beginning of Heather’s legacy.”

I’m also offended by President Trump’s shocking failure to condemn hatred and evil, and by his complete inability to articulate our country’s values. He struggled to denounce those who use bigotry, threats and violence. That’s the lowest of all bars for leaders, and he utterly failed to clear it.

That’s why I will not be silent. That’s why I will resist and persist with every fiber of my being. With every ounce of energy I can muster. Because these are times that call for every one of us to step forward and take a stand.

And I need you to join me.

Here are three meaningful ways you can make a difference right now:

  1. Join the Color of Change #NoBloodMoney campaign demanding that credit card companies stop processing funds for white supremacy and other hate groups.
  2. Check out Indivisible’s guide and find a solidarity event near you.
  3. Finally, if you, or someone you know, has experienced or witnessed a hate incident, please encourage them to share their story with Communities Against Hate.

I know you agree that our work to create a society that is free, fair and just — where nobody has to experience discrimination and all families can thrive — is more important than ever.

At moments like these, we need to link arms with our allies and stand strong against those who are trying to tear apart the very fabric of our society.

We also need to take time to care for ourselves and for one another, and to recommit to the hard work of moving our nation beyond the racism, bigotry and hatred that diminish us as individuals, as communities and as the country we want to be.

Together, we are in this for the long haul. And together, we will prevail.