
Kagan: Supremely Intelligent, Eminently Qualified

| May 13, 2010

I had the honor and privilege of attending a special announcement ceremony at the White House on Monday, and I couldn’t be more pleased with President Obama’s decision to nominate Solicitor General Elena Kagan as the next United States Supreme Court justice. I have known her for many decades and have deep respect for her commitment to equal justice.

Judges are the gatekeepers of our fundamental rights, and Elena Kagan gets it. She knows that the Supreme Court decides cases every year that touch women’s lives. And she has a proud history of public service, a fair and thoughtful approach to legal issues, a record of extraordinary accomplishment, and a history of working effectively with people who hold diverse political and legal views.

She has also had a distinguished career as a law school professor, the first woman Dean of Harvard Law School, and our nation’s first woman Solicitor General. There is no doubt that Kagan is eminently qualified for this post.

The Senate confirmed Elena Kagan as Solicitor General with strong Republican support in March 2009. It should once again confirm her, quickly and without controversy.

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