
A Roadmap to the Economy Working Families Need

| Sep 13, 2012

Talk about jobs and the economy seems to be everywhere – on television, online and at millions of kitchen tables across the country. That’s because families continue to struggle with economic insecurity, high unemployment and a dearth of decent jobs. And it’s going to take more than one person or policy to get us where we need to be.

That’s why, today, the National Partnership joined with nearly 20 other organizations that research the economy, advocate for good jobs and represent working families to release a concrete, step-by-step plan for strengthening the economy and getting us back on track.

The new report, 10 Ways to Rebuild the Middle Class for Hard Working Americans: Making Work Pay in the 21st Century, offers a clear roadmap to the economy working families need. From establishing family friendly workplaces to stopping wage theft, fixing the minimum wage and helping to ensure greater health and retirement security for families, it offers a comprehensive set of policies that will jumpstart the economy and help rebuild the middle class.

At the National Partnership, we know that policies like paid sick days and paid family and medical leave are a critical piece of the puzzle. Without national standards, countless workers are forced to choose between their jobs and their health or families when illness strikes. It’s not right. It results in unnecessary job loss and turnover that hurts our economy and working families. And it doesn’t have to be that way.

Rebuilding our economy isn’t just about jobs. It’s about creating good jobs that allow workers to provide for their families while supporting local businesses and helping the economy recover and grow. We’re proud to be joining with leading advocacy organizations to put forth a real plan for getting us there.

An America that works for everyone is possible. Together, we can make it happen.