Debra L. Ness
Know Your Rights: The Family and Medical Leave Act

Election 2012: A Good Day for Women, A Good Day for the Country

In reelecting President Obama and significantly increasing the numbers of women and progressives in the United States Senate, Americans have said ‘yes’ to fair pay for women, ‘yes’ to policies that make our workplaces more family friendly, ‘yes’ to ending gender discrimination and strengthening consumer protections in health insurance, and ‘yes’ to a more patient- and family-centered health care system.

Know Your Rights: The Family and Medical Leave Act

R U 4 Paid Sick Days?

This week, workers all across the country will be tweeting that question to candidates for office at all levels, asking them to support this basic workplace standard or explain why they will not.

Big Step Forward in Florida!

Late last week, a broad coalition of workers, businesses, unions and advocates in Orange County, Florida, celebrated a significant victory in the effort to secure an earned paid sick days standard for the county.