For his last few years, my dad lived in a care facility. The memory care unit staff treated him well. But he needed more than the staff. He needed my brothers and me to help him navigate his changing needs.
Energy around Paid Leave Policies Continue to Grow – Next City
“We have a hotline for people to call if they’re having problems accessing paid family leave or paid sick time, which we have here in New York City,” [A Better Balance’s Sherry] Leiwant said. “We hear all the time from people how life-changing it is having these benefits and how important they are for taking care of their families.”
As FMLA Turns 26, America’s Families Will Not Accept Anything Less Than Real Paid Leave
Statement of Debra L. Ness, President, National Partnership for Women & Families
Meghan Markle May Be Taking an Alternative Approach to Childbirth – Vogue
Legislature passes expanded paid family leave bill – NJTV
The Legislature has approved a bill to expand New Jersey’s Paid Family Leave Law. It would give eligible workers more paid leave to care for a newborn or other family member and more money for each day of leave they take.
Maine families and businesses can benefit from quality paid family leave – Bangor Daily News
In today’s divisive political environment, we can all agree upon the critical importance of supporting our families and local businesses. We also know that throughout our state and our country people are struggling to afford having children and caring for themselves or their aging family members.
Stuck at home with your kids this week and not getting paid? Your employer may be breaking the law – Bustle
Can’t go into work because you’re watching the kids due to school cancellations this week? How about an elderly family member whose care center has been closed? If you live in Minneapolis or St. Paul, you may still be entitled to your normal wages.
What Happens To Your Deskmates When You Go To Work Sick – Bustle
Plenty of us have had to make the uncomfortable decision of whether or not to go to work sick. Thanks to unforgiving sick leave policies and company cultures that encourage you to “push through” illness, taking a legit sick day feels rarer and rarer.
Women’s Leader: Paycheck Fairness Act Is Long Overdue
Statement of Debra L. Ness, President, National Partnership for Women & Families
Paid sick leave eludes many Nevadans, even Culinary members – Nevada Current
The flu bug does not discriminate. But the equity ends there. Calling in sick is more costly in America to those who can afford it least, and we all share the burden via infected workplaces, schools and child care.
Don’t Let The ‘Fatherhood Penalty’ Keep You From Using Paternity Leave – Scary Mommy
As a father who has been down this road, I’m well aware that taking time off to be with family can feel like being in a tug of war, where you feel like you need to be home because you love your family and want to support them, but you also feel as though you will face backlash at work for choosing your spouse and children over your carrier.
“A March for the Future of All Women”
Statement of Debra L. Ness, President, National Partnership for Women & Families
Women’s Leader: “Women Need Congress To Raise the Minimum Wage”
Statement of Debra L. Ness, President, National Partnership for Women & Families
Wage gap persists for women in North Carolina’s finance industry – Charlotte Business Journal
Trump’s Government Shutdown a Blatant Attack on Families
Statement of Debra L. Ness, President, National Partnership for Women & Families
Guest Column: Turner supports WA’s new paid leave program – Chinook Observer
I can’t always do as much as I’d like to for my employees. When they need time off to care for loved ones, I do my best to provide them with that time, but often we simply can’t afford to pay them during their leave.
Lack of paid sick leave is inconsistent with Maine values – Bangor Daily News
As Mainers, looking out for each other is a fundamental part of who we are. The lack of earned paid sick leave in this state goes against everything we stand for.
Legislative session to see big push for paid family leave in Minnesota – MinnPost
The governor-elect has made paid leave a top priority for his first year in office, while a newly empowered DFL majority in the House is sympathetic to the issue. Even the GOP chair of a Senate committee reconstituted to take on family issues says she wants to look into the issue.
Asheville service industry workers plan to organize, ‘achieve a little more dignity’ – Asheville Citizen Times
Paid time off may sound like a luxury, but it’s also a public health issue: More than 90 percent of food-borne Norovirus contamination occurs during food preparation.
Women’s Leader Applauds ‘Long-Overdue’ Reform of Congressional Harassment Procedures
Statement of Debra L. Ness, President, National Partnership for Women & Families