
Keep Medicaid Safe to Keep Women Healthy!

With a little over a week for the Congressional super committee to complete its work, we must raise our voices to ensure Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are protected in the final deficit reduction package.

Why Now is the Time to Support, Not Undermine, Medicaid

The National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health (NLIRH), as the only national organization advocating for reproductive justice and health for millions of Latinas, their families and their communities, strongly urges the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, or “Supercommittee” to reexamine their logic when considering cuts or reforms to Medicaid in order to achieve deficit reduction.

Crisis Averted. Now What?

Crisis Averted. Now What?

The deal is done. Both chambers of Congress have now voted, and President Obama has signed an unprecedented bill into law to avert the immediate catastrophe of a government default. But the country will be living with the consequences of this deal for decades to come.

Crisis Averted. Now What?

Success is Inevitable

Today’s working families are juggling ‘Ozzie and Harriet’ policies in a web 2.0 world, and it’s simply not sustainable. Workers are struggling to care for their families while both parents hold jobs. Families are straining to meet increasing child- and eldercare responsibilities. Parents have little savings to fall back on, and few jobs – and even fewer good jobs – to apply for, should they lose the jobs they have.

Congress Must Protect the Lifeline Women and Families Depend On

Changing the Game: Workplace Flexibility for All

The National Partnership was pleased to be invited to participate in the National Dialogue on Workplace Flexibility in smaller businesses, sponsored by the White House and U.S. Department of Labor in Dallas, Texas last month. This event was the first of four National Dialogue on Workplace Flexibility events, scheduled for 2010 and 2011. Next up is a regional event in Atlanta next week focused on workplace flexibility in the health care industry.

Crisis Averted. Now What?

BREAKING NEWS: Dr. Berwick is Appointed!

Today, President Obama appointed Dr. Donald Berwick to serve as Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). I truly believe that Dr. Berwick is the best man for the job – he is a highly qualified candidate with extraordinary skill, vast experience and a deep dedication to improving America’s health care system.

Crisis Averted. Now What?

Dr. Berwick… Just What the Doctor Ordered

Enough is enough. Dr. Berwick – nominee for Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) – has been the victim of partisan and baseless attacks, and at the Campaign for Better Care, we think it’s time to set the record straight.

Crisis Averted. Now What?


A heartfelt thanks to the honoree of this year’s National Partnership annual luncheon, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who inspired us with her comments on the future of health reform – and the many women in top positions who are working to implement it.

Honoring our Families During National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month and National Family Caregivers Month

It’s Older Americans Month and My Family Needs Better Care! Does Yours?

My two sisters and I are a team. For several years, as we each juggled our own work and family responsibilities, we willingly took on the role of “advocate” and “coordinator” of health care across settings (home, hospital, nursing home) for my father, who died last year at the age of 94. It wasn’t easy. At times it sapped our energy and our spirits. But we took on the role out of love and a deep respect for our father.

Medicare Matters to Older Women

Health Reform: You Asked, We’re Answering…

There’s been so much misinformation about the new health reform law, it’s hard NOT to be confused. But the National Partnership’s health policy team wants you to have answers to questions you submitted when President Obama signed the new law.