C-section Resources
Childbirth Connection

General Information

Data on Hospital C-Section Rates

These tools help you compare C-section and VBAC rates at various hospitals.

The C-Section Experience and Recovery Resources

  • Birthrites is a comprehensive website for women who have had a C-section.
  • A doula can help with your recovery, your baby’s needs, your relationships and household tasks. Find one through DONA International.
  • CSectionRecovery.com offers online forums and information on a wide variety of topics related to C-section.
  • Video of birth by C-section.
  • Cesarean Recovery (2004) by Chrissie Gallagher-Mundy covers key elements of mom’s recovery following a C-section through six months after birth.

Breech (Buttocks- or Feet-First) Position Resources

  • American Academy of Family Physicians’ What Can I Do If My Baby is Breech? describes how your maternity care provider can help turn the baby to a head-first position for delivery.

Peer Support for C-Section

Resources for Loved Ones

National Partnership for Women & Families, 50th anniversary logo