News Coverage
This Study On Gender Equality At Work Vs. Home Shows How Many People Still Buy Into Stereotypes – Bustle

Real-life gender pay gap far bigger than thought, U.S. economists say – Reuters

“There’s a lot of women that aren’t able to work full-time full-year, and there are consequences to this,” [study co-author and labor economist Stephen Rose] said. More than 40 percent of today’s women workers have taken at least one year off with no earnings, typically to care for children or aging or ailing family members, the study said.

This Study On Gender Equality At Work Vs. Home Shows How Many People Still Buy Into Stereotypes – Bustle

Paid Leave Is an LGBTQ Issue – The Advocate

Only policies that meet our complex needs can allow us to be ourselves whether at work or beyond. That’s why in addition to advocating for housing and job security, I’m a trans activist fighting for paid family and medical leave – one of the policies that is urgently needed for the trans community.