“The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has expanded health care access for millions of families, guaranteed that women would not be charged more because of our gender, and ensured that 130 million people with pre-existing conditions can obtain care. In one fell swoop, Judge O’Connor’s callous ruling eliminates these critical life-saving benefits and reverses the clock on our nation’s progress toward a health care system that works for all. The administration and Republican leaders in Congress should be ashamed of their willingness to use our nation’s courts to inflict havoc and devastation on women and families.
This decision undermines our democracy and is a travesty that should be reversed immediately by a higher court. If not overturned, we will go back to being a country where families face the difficult choice of going without care or going bankrupt. This past election, Americans overwhelmingly voted in favor of more access to health care. Instead of listening, the GOP is seeking to undo the will of the people by ramming through an agenda of repeal. We reject this and urge immediate reversal.”