“It would be irresponsible and callous for any senator to vote for the Motion to Proceed that Senate Leader Mitch McConnell plans to bring to the Senate floor this afternoon. This has been a shamefully secretive and distorted process, marked by unprecedented disregard for standard legislative procedure. No senators should vote to proceed to a vote on a bill that is unseen and unknown, but that very likely will have a devastating impact on their constituents. The decision to vote on a Motion to Proceed is politically motivated. It deserves to be rejected.
The simple truth is that any version of the ACA repeal bill would cause great harm to America’s women and families. As made clear by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office’s scoring of multiple iterations of the repeal bill, it will rip health coverage from tens of millions of people, drive up costs, gut Medicaid and wipe out critical consumer protections – while delivering tax cuts to the nation’s wealthiest corporations. In addition, Senate leaders remain hell-bent on defunding Planned Parenthood and expanding abortion restrictions.
America’s women and families have had enough. Any senator who cares about the health, well-being and economic security of his or her constituents must vote to end this politically motivated circus today. It is past time Congress put the nation’s interests first and engage in a transparent, bipartisan effort to protect and expand access to quality, affordable health care for all.”