Economic Justice
Low-Wage Workers Aren’t Getting Justice for Sexual Harassment – The Atlantic – The Atlantic Magazine

Why Paid Leave Advocates Are Skeptical About a Last-Minute GOP Tax Incentive for Paid Leave – Slate – Slate

Vicki Shabo, vice president at the National Partnership for Women & Families, says that this bill is only a drop in the bucket of support to businesses already taking the lead on this issue. The provision provides “a very small tax credit to businesses that voluntarily provide at least a minimal level, two weeks, of paid family or medical leave,” she said.

Low-Wage Workers Aren’t Getting Justice for Sexual Harassment – The Atlantic – The Atlantic Magazine

100 Aging, Work Experts Call on Congress to Address Caregiving Crisis with Strong Paid Leave Plan – PR Newswire – PR Newswire

“We applaud the signers of this letter for pushing for a paid leave plan that addresses the full range of care needs people face,” said Debra L. Ness, president of the National Partnership for Women & Families. “The FAMILY Act is the only paid leave proposal before Congress that would provide protections for workers and families at all stages of life.”

Low-Wage Workers Aren’t Getting Justice for Sexual Harassment – The Atlantic – The Atlantic Magazine

NYC Passes Bill to Guarantee Paid Leave for Domestic Violence Victims – Broadly – Broadly

Vice President Vicki Shabo says the National Partnership has been advocating for the Healthy Families Act, a national standard “that guarantees all working people the ability to take time away from their jobs for personal illness, a family member’s illness, to get health care services, and also to deal with the effects of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.”