Economic Justice
How historic infrastructure investments can benefit women workers – The Hill

The impact of unpaid family & medical leave in Oklahoma – KFOR

“Nearly 1.5 million Oklahoma workers don’t have paid family and medical leave through their jobs. That means 74% of working people in the state, if they’re welcoming a new child or have to take time off work for medical appointments for themselves or their loved ones, are put in the impossible situation of having to choose between their families, their health and their paycheck.”

How historic infrastructure investments can benefit women workers – The Hill

The ‘rogue’ Trump-appointed judge with abortion pill’s future in his hands – The Guardian

“A decision to ban mifepristone nationwide would be devastating,” said Shaina Goodman, director for reproductive health and rights at the National Partnership for Women & Families. “This is a very deliberate, coordinated strategy by the anti-abortion movement to attack abortion every which way they can, and they’ve found in Kacsmaryk a judge who has a track record of making decisions based not on law or evidence, but on partisan ideology.”

How historic infrastructure investments can benefit women workers – The Hill

Calls for paid leave grow louder 30 years after passage of Family and Medical Leave Act – PBS NewsHour

The other thing that we know, of the 44 percent of workers who aren’t covered by the FMLA, that workers of color are disproportionately in that number, 48 percent of what Latinx workers, 47 percent of Asian workers, 43 percent of Black workers. So workers of color are bearing the brunt of the gaps of the FMLA. And those are gaps that we should fill.

How historic infrastructure investments can benefit women workers – The Hill

What the Family and Medical Leave Act has meant for U.S. women – Fast Company

“Women have been expected to take on [caregiving] and handle it without complaint and largely without support,” says Jocelyn Frye, president of the National Partnership. “The Family and Medical Leave Act rejected the premise that it‚Äôs a woman’s lot in life to do that work. Instead, what the FMLA said is that all workers have some sort of care need, and we need to be able to ensure that those folks can take time off and come back to their jobs.”

How historic infrastructure investments can benefit women workers – The Hill

Passing Paid Leave Just Got One Step Closer – Glamour

Jocelyn Frye, the president of the National Partnership for Women and Families, says: “The FMLA was a groundbreaking step forward, but our work is not done. We cannot continue to ignore the care needs of workers and their families. Our nation’s leaders need to step up and make the choice to enact policies that enable workers to do their jobs and care for their families without putting their livelihoods at risk.”