Paid parental leave (for both parents) is associated with decreased infant mortality, less postpartum depression, more breastfeeding, more follow-up doctor appointments and more involved dads—all things that promote healthy brain development.
New York state tackles paid family leave – CNBC
Plans similar to what UncommonGoods is offering will be statewide in the near future because on January 1, all New York state businesses, no matter how small, will be required to provide what’s being hailed as one of the most progressive paid leave policies in the nation.
My Turn: With paid family leave, everybody wins – Concord Monitor
In New Hampshire, 82 percent support implementing a paid family leave program and are willing to pay costs prorated on individual weekly wages.
Small businesses need paid leave – News Observer
While I do feel some anxiety about mandating paid family medical leave, a proposal like the FAMILY Act would make it far more feasible for me and many other small-business owners to provide this critical benefit to our employees.
Fair Society: Contemplating the Benefits of Paid Family Leave – Indy with Kids
Ultimately, parents and other caregivers have a variety of needs, and paid family leave could ease some of the burdens many individuals face.
Parental leave expands for California workers so they can bond with their newborns – The OC Register
Under a new law to combat workplace inequities, some 2.7 million California mothers and fathers will gain the right to a long-sought benefit: 12 weeks of job-protected leave to bond with their newborns.
D.C. Native Fights to Save Universal Paid Leave – AFRO News
It’s not right that where you live in this city determines how you’re able to care for your family. We are the nation’s capital. We should be leading the way.
Amazon takes parental leave so seriously, even spouses get paid time off – CBNC
More than most, Amazon has been on the cutting edge. The retail behemoth not only offers a generous paid parental leave policy for both moms and dads, it also helps parents ramp back up after being out and even pays for its employees’ spouses who do not work at the company to take time off.
Is Paid Family And Medical Leave Inevitable? Perhaps, But There’s A Long Way To Go From Here – Health Affairs
The push for paid parental, family, and medical leave is gaining traction. But legislative action in Congress is still iffy and could easily be eclipsed by events or partisan rancor over the next year.
How gay dads manage without paid paternity leave – Chicago Tribune
Unlike many parents, [Brent Wright] and his spouse faced some unique challenges. Because both are men, neither parent had access to a paid maternity leave policy. Because they adopted, their time away from the office began with travel to a nearby city to meet the birth mother.
Workers in the Triangle say paid parental leave needed. A bill in Congress could help. – News Observer
[Sen. Kirsten] Gillibrand has introduced the [FAMILY Act] twice before, but supporters are hopeful that this time will be different because support for paid leave appears to be growing.
A Movement Grows Across the Country for Paid Family Leave – The Free Press
When filmmaker Ky Dickens learned she was about to become a mother, her doctor advised her that she would need at least 12 weeks of maternity leave to heal after giving birth to her daughter.
The Economics of Paid Family Leave – Capitol Ideas
Washington’s [state Senator Joe] Fain said when the Legislature looked at who had access to paid leave in the state and who did not, and which employers were able to offer the benefit and which were not, it was a “stark picture.”
It’s Evident That Paid Family Leave Has Bipartisan Agreement –
With a wide gap between the have’s and have-nots, conservatives and liberals agree that expanding paid family leave to all is crucial to the workplace.
In America, Parental Leave Is Still A Class Issue – Brides
With America being one of only four countries without guaranteed paid leave, many are left vulnerable to their employer’s leave policy. If you’re a part-time or retail worker, that’s likely to be less than generous—if it exists at all.
Harvard researchers say this is the ideal parental leave policy – Motherly
If corporations want Millennials to apply for and stay in jobs while having kids, an ideal leave policy would grant parental leave to all employees welcoming a child.
Bringing parental leave benefits to more workers – Los Angeles Times
If they work for a company with fewer than 50 workers, their bosses are under no obligation to continue to pay their health care benefits during their absence or give them their jobs back when they return.
Mark Zuckerberg can take paid leave when his child is born, but most fathers can’t – t Magazine
Glacially, at a pace slower than the melting of the ice caps, we are moving toward an acceptance that fathers deserve to spend precious time with their newborn children.
The MLB Is Slowly Making Paternity Leave a Big League Conversation –
“Here’s a very American masculine institution of baseball that is communicating that babies are men’s work as well as women’s work, and we need to support them becoming a father,” says Claire M. Kamp Dush, an associate professor of family science at The Ohio State University.
Wealth, not just wages, is the way to measure women’s equality –
To address these inequities, we need a broad menu of solutions that addresses income and wealth. On the income side, that means pushing for pay equity, affordable childcare and paid family leave.