Councilmember Eva Putzova, who pushed for the [paid leave] measure to be included in this year’s budget, agreed. “At some point it’s difficult to talk about family values and not follow through,” said Putzova, adding that in Slovakia, where she grew up, such a benefit is seen as almost a right.
How Portland can stand up for the health, dignity of LGBTQ workers – Bangor Daily News
Why is this broad definition [of ‘family’] so important [for paid sick days laws], and whom does it most impact? Well, for starters, lots of folks in the LGBTQ+ population.
Gov. Charlie Baker signs $15 minimum wage, paid family leave into law – Mass Live
A new mother in Massachusetts will get paid time off to care for her baby, beginning in 2021. A son will get paid time off to care for his ailing parent.
U.S. Navy establishes Military Parental Leave Program, hopes to recruit and keep Sailors – WHNT
One military branch modified their parental leave policy by combining and increasing the current family leave policy late June as one to help new and current members.
Study: Men Want to Do More Caregiving, but Can’t – Slate
Though a majority of Americans support paid family leave (though they may disagree over how to provide it), new research out in time for Father’s Day suggests insufficient paid leave as well as social expectations prevent fathers from caring for their children as much as they’d like.
Oh baby! This had to be the cutest Statehouse rally ever. –
Parents, clergy and lawmakers participating in the “Think Babies” demonstration in Trenton spoke broadly about the need for more affordable child care and a more generous paid family leave law that would double time off from six weeks to 12 weeks after a child is born or adopted.
For more US parents, paid family leave becomes reality – The Christian Science Monitor
With a growing sense that the US is being left behind by a lack of family-friendly policies, and as more evidence shows that there are advantages to families when such programs are in place, there’s some movement at the federal and local levels, but states are driving change
Honor our mothers by giving them the paid family leave they deserve – The Hill
The U.S. can’t afford outdated policies that reduce the growth of the economy; working mothers can no longer accept a situation that creates stress and leads to lost income.
America can be a difficult place to be a mother – The Hill
We are one of the few countries in the world where maternal mortality rates are rising, rather than falling, and black mothers die at three times the rate of white mothers. We are the only high-income country without any provision for paid family and medical leave.
Babies took over Capitol Hill to rally for paid family leave and affordable childcare – Quartz
“We want to be the voice for babies that aren’t able to speak for themselves,” [Jessica] Tolbert said. Like many of the parents at the rally, Tolbert mentioned paid family leave, health care, and affordable childcare as some of the major reasons they had come to lobby members of Congress.
Sen. Duckworth’s victory can mean big things for families, if Congress acts – The Hill
As Americans, we like to think every opportunity should be available to everyone, no matter where you live or who you are. Unfortunately, that’s not true when it comes to the supports our country provides for babies.
Lowell forum held on challenges for family caregivers – Lowell Sun
[National Alliance for Caregiving CEO Grace] Whiting outlined some public sector solutions, which include providing benefits to caregivers, expanding services to caregivers and allowing for paid family leave. Not only can the process of caregiving be an emotional burden, it also places a great financial strain on many.
Our Lack of Paid Leave Is a Public Health Crisis – Slate
After delivery, parents are torn between providing the best care for their child versus earning money to keep a roof over their head and food on the table. Mothers push through postpartum pain and ignore doctors’ recommendations by returning to work too early.
Sheryl Sandberg Talks Paid Family Leave, Community Organizing, and Cambridge Analytica – Fortune
The numbers are astounding: 37 million people get no sick days. And that applies to 6 in 10 lower-income workers. Only 14% of people have access to paid family leave at work. A third of working mothers don’t have access to any paid leave.
The Republican plan for family leave would destroy your Social Security benefits – Los Angeles Times
[D]elaying Social Security translates into a real financial loss; the authors [of the Urban Institute analysis] reckon that parents who took a single 12-week leave would lose about 3% of their future retirement benefits, and those who took four leaves would lose 10%.
Meet the Activists Leading the Fight for Paid Family Leave – Fortune
Few in the audience had blue-collar jobs like [Carolyn] Davis’s; she spends her workdays tracking inventory and stocking shelves. Still, as a shareholder, Davis, who goes by Cat, had a right to speak. She’s also a mother of two, and she had come to deliver a petition—signed by more than 100,000 associates—to urge Walmart to give workers like her the same family-leave benefits that executives get.
Child care doesn’t need to break the bank – The Hill
[W]e need to support parents. Parents need paid leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act so that they can care for their children; currently the law provides unpaid leave only for employees of companies with 50 or more employees. Additionally, some families need subsidies for child care so that they can thrive in those first years that are often the hardest and most expensive.
The U.S. used to be a world leader in women working. Not anymore. – Washington Post
The U.S. used to be a world leader in women working. Not anymore.
Voto Latino spotlights paid leave debate with screening – Linfield Review
“I think back to when I was younger when we were sick, how my parents didn’t get to take time off to take care of us,” [Linfield College] sophomore Raul Sanchez said.
Heitkamp meets with women business leaders – The Jamestown Sun
[Sen. Heidi] Heitkamp also said the proposed Family and Medical Insurance Leave Act, or FAMILY Act, would allow small businesses to offer the same family leave benefits now offered by large businesses. This would help make working for small businesses more attractive.