Paid Leave
A policy is born: Paid family leave for city employees – Arizona Daily Sun

Meet the Activists Leading the Fight for Paid Family Leave – Fortune

Few in the audience had blue-collar jobs like [Carolyn] Davis’s; she spends her workdays tracking inventory and stocking shelves. Still, as a shareholder, Davis, who goes by Cat, had a right to speak. She’s also a mother of two, and she had come to deliver a petition—signed by more than 100,000 associates—to urge Walmart to give workers like her the same family-leave benefits that executives get.

A policy is born: Paid family leave for city employees – Arizona Daily Sun

Child care doesn’t need to break the bank – The Hill

[W]e need to support parents. Parents need paid leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act so that they can care for their children; currently the law provides unpaid leave only for employees of companies with 50 or more employees. Additionally, some families need subsidies for child care so that they can thrive in those first years that are often the hardest and most expensive.