Paid Sick Days
Will Supreme Court endorse discrimination against pregnant workers?  – Los Angeles Times

6 Ways to Attract and Retain Female IT Talent – CIO

On Nov. 24, the Center for American Progress, the National Women’s Law Center and the National Partnership for Women & Families hosted a webinar on pregnancy job discrimination and Young v. UPS. Several experts, including Michele Jawando, Rachel Lyons, Diane Feldman and Emily Martin, discussed the case, the historical context of pregnancy discrimination and information on how to take action—and it’s clear that Young has already made a difference for pregnant workers.

Will Supreme Court endorse discrimination against pregnant workers?  – Los Angeles Times

New #WEmatter Twitter Campaign Amplifies Women’s Economic Security Woes – Progress Illinois

“This is a broad-based response to what we’ve seen as growing momentum over the last months and years in support of public policies that address these critical issues for families,” said Vicki Shabo, vice president at the National Partnership for Women & Families, one of the many organizations behind the #WEmatter campaign. “We’re optimistic that this is going to cause public officials and traditional media to sit up and take notice, and that’s a critical first step in bringing the policy changes that we need.”

Will Supreme Court endorse discrimination against pregnant workers?  – Los Angeles Times

5 Ways to Help Employees With Kids Going Back to School –

“Knowing the lay of the land can provide parents with reassurance and confidence at what can be a stressful time of year,” says Vicki Shabo, vice president at the National Partnership for Women & Families. “All parents know that there are times when missing work is unavoidable, so knowing whether [they] have paid sick, vacation or personal time to use, and understanding employers’ rules about providing notice for using that time, is also important.”

Will Supreme Court endorse discrimination against pregnant workers?  – Los Angeles Times

Paid Leave: A No-Brainer for Businesses and a Lifesaver for Workers –

However, testimony from Kevin Trapani, CEO and president of The Redwoods Group, and Maryella Gockel, flexibility leader at Ernst & Young LLP, demonstrates that such worries are misguided. Indeed, for these employers, as well as for businesses in the states that have passed paid family leave insurance laws (California, Rhode Island, and New Jersey), there has been no evidence of what witness Vicki Shabo of the National Partnership for Women & Families called the “parade of horribles”—a litany of negative business implications predicted by critics.