Wow! What a thrill it is to look out on this sea of pro-choice faces, to know that hundreds of thousands of people have come from all over the country – all over the world – to stand up for women’s lives. It’s been a long time since America’s pro-choice majority has...
Title X Backgrounder
Senate Bill for the Healthy Families Act in the 108th Congress
A bill to provide for paid sick leave to ensure that Americans can address their own health needs and the health needs of their families.
Why Women Need the Affordable Care Act: Older Women Need ACA
Because women live longer, they make up more than half of the Medicare population and are more likely to have multiple chronic conditions. As both caregivers and patients, older women have borne the brunt of shortcomings in our health care system – high costs, poor...
Why Women Need the Affordable Care Act: Prevention & Wellness
Women are often not receiving the preventive or chronic care management services they need to stay healthy. This is especially true for minority women and women with disabilities.
Why Women Need the Affordable Care Act: Health Status
Compared with men, women are more likely to be in fair or poor health and face greater rates of disease or chronic conditions on a number of indicators. This is compounded for women of color, women with disabilities, and lesbians.
Why Women Need the Affordable Care Act: Coverage Statistics
Family economic insecurity is on the rise. Increasing numbers of women and families are losing employer-sponsored insurance and either going without insurance or enrolling in Medicaid.
Why the Affordable Care Act Matters for Women: Improving Health Coverage for Lower-Income Women
The high cost of health care places a particular burden on lower-income women who need health services but often struggle to pay premiums and out-of-pocket costs. The problem has been exacerbated because many insurers charge women higher rates simply because of their...
Policy Matters: Public Policy, Paid Leave for New Parents, and Economic Security for U.S. Workers
A rich and growing literature attests to the benefits that accrue to workers, families, businesses, and the public when workers have access to paid leave to care for a new child. Such benefits include lower likelihood of premature birth, improvements in breastfeeding...
Response to DOL’s Request for Information on Reasonable Break Time for Working Mothers
Section 4207 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act gives covered women workers the right to reasonable break times and a private location to express milk at work. The statute is intended to ensure that all working mothers covered by the provision have...
Women’s Equality Day 2010: Steps Toward Women’s Equality
Women's Equality Day commemorates the adoption of the 19th Amendment to U.S. Constitution, which guaranteed women the right to vote. More than 90 years later, the fight for women's equal access and opportunity continues—especially in workplaces across the country.
Grandparent’s Day 2010: Work-Family Policies Must Include Grandparents
Grandparents are the glue that holds many families together—yet our workplace laws don't honor their critical role.
New York City Workers Speak: The Employee Case for Flexibility Among Professional Workers
Some professional workers have successfully negotiated an array of flexible working arrangements, but many face significant barriers in accessing and utilizing the basic flexibility they need. Professional workers are often expected to work long hours and to be...
Midwest Workers Speak: The Employee Case for Flexibility in Manufacturing Jobs
Manufacturing industry workers are struggling with job and financial insecurity. Few have access to the basic flexible workplace policies they need to manage their responsibilities at home and on the job.
Dallas Workers Speak: The Employee Case for Flexibility
The changing workforce in the United States and new business norms mean that employers and employees are searching for effective ways to promote flexibility. Like workers everywhere, the workers in the Dallas discussion group have a wide array of caregiving and...
Los Angeles Workers Speak: The Employee Case for Flexibility in Hourly, Lower-Wage Jobs
Hourly, lower-wage workers are much less likely than salaried, professional employees to have workplace flexibility. Many are required to work in shifts that are unpredictable and constantly changing; they may be asked to work overtime with little notice; and they...
Flexibility for Success: How Workplace Flexibility Policies Benefit All Workers and Employers
A growing number of employers recognize the benefits of flexible workplace practices. These employers know that setting workplace standards that promote flexibility and allow workers to meet the dual demands of work and family improves employee productivity, loyalty...
Work and Family Policy Options for Advocates and Legislators
Workers should not have to choose between a paycheck, their job, and their own health or the health of their families. Yet, because of the lack of policies that help workers meet their family responsibilities, many workers face this choice every day.
Healthy Families Act Coalition Letter to Congress
A 2011 letter urging members of Congress to establish a national paid sick days standard that would help working families meet their health and financial needs, while boosting business productivity and improving worker retention.
Paid Sick Days Protect the Economic Security of Working Families
A minimum paid sick days standard would help to protect millions of working families from falling further into financial crisis during these tough economic times.