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ISSUE BRIEF | Four lawsuits from anti-abortion extremists challenging the 2024 HIPAA Privacy Rule are jeopardizing health privacy and threatening to put pregnant people at even greater risk of criminalization for their reproductive care.
REPORT | Overall, women in the United States are paid 75 cents for every dollar paid to men, and that gap is widest for women of color. This persistent, pervasive wage gap is driven in part by gender and racial discrimination, workplace harassment, job segregation and a lack of workplace policies that support family caregiving, which is still most often performed by women.

754 KB
FACT SHEET | Women of color in the United States experience the nation’s persistent and pervasive gender wage gap most severely. U.S. Census Bureau data reveal the size of that gap by race.

668 KB
FACT SHEET | An analysis of the Gender Wage Gap by Congressional District

FACT SHEET | New research shows the numbers of federal workers in each state, as well as by race, gender, disability, and veteran status, underscoring the harm to local economies and every community across the nation as these public servants are put out of work.

926 KB
FACT SHEET | Medicaid helps Americans thrive, yet Congressional Republican leadership and the Trump administration intend to slash this vital program. New National Partnership and Justice in Aging analyses show the potential impacts on older women.

897 documents