School has started and a soft landing still seems possible. New #JobsDay data continues to show a slowing job market with some bright spots for women, but continuing struggles for teachers.
Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Women Shouldn’t Be Left out of the Equal Pay Conversation
August 28 marks Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NHPI) Women’s Equal Pay Day in 2024. NHPI women are typically paid 60 cents for every dollar paid to white, non-Hispanic men – one of the largest gender wage gaps in the country.
July Jobs Data Show a Rocky Road for Care Jobs and Black and Latina Women | #JobsDay July 2024
We might be boiling in this record heat wave, but the economy is starting to cool. Inflation might be inching down, but new #JobsDay data shows a slowing job market, with some yellow flags for the care economy.
A narrower AANHPI gender wage gap isn’t a model minority win but a state policy one
There are many factors that affect the economic situation and narrower wage gap for AANHPI women beyond individual characteristics. The influence of living in supportive states cannot be overlooked, as well as the work of AANHPI legislators who are working to make their states more supportive and equitable places to live but are underrepresented.
Caregiving Costs Outpace Inflation, But Caregivers Still Lack a Living Wage
Paid caregiver wages compared to economy-wide wage changes and inflation in care costs over the past few years show that we still need large federal investments in all types of care.
How are AANHPI Women Faring in the Economy? | #JobsDay May 2024
Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander women face economic discrimination in the labor market and topline data fail to tell the whole story.
We analyzed 46 years of consumer sentiment data – and found that today’s ‘vibecession’ is just men starting to feel as bad about the economy as women historically have
Of the numerous economic trends filling column inches over the last few years, few have gained as much traction as the “vibecession.” But whose feelings have been driving the vibecession in the first place? In a word, men’s.
Disabled employment is at a record high, but disparities remain
Today, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released its annual data about disabled people in the U.S. workforce. The data reveal a continued upward trend in disabled employment. However, inequities remain for disabled people, particularly disabled women and disabled people of color.
Did the economy deliver for women in 2023? Will it in 2024? | #JobsDay January 2024
The economy ended 2023 strong, but women of color are not getting their fair share.
In the Year of the Union, Black women and Latinas lead union growth in 2023
Latinas see the largest increase in union membership rates among women despite little change in overall share of union membership.