Debra L. Ness
Your Health Information: Get It, Check It, Use It.

Strong Support for Paid Sick Days Continues

Yesterday brought further evidence of strong support for paid sick days when city councils in San Diego, Calif., and Eugene, Ore., passed ordinances that would guarantee workers access to this basic workplace protection. If the bills become law, it would mean that an additional 300,000+ workers gain the right to take up to five paid sick days a year. But the future of both bills is uncertain.

Your Health Information: Get It, Check It, Use It.

What Do Mothers Need? Fair Pay

It’s no surprise these days that women’s wages are essential to their families and our economy. That’s why, as our #WhatMothersNeed week of action continues, we’re talking about the urgent need for fair pay.

Your Health Information: Get It, Check It, Use It.

The Ryan Budget: Bad for Our Health

Budgets reflect priorities. Last week, House Budget Chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) released the House Republican budget. If adopted, it would take health insurance away from millions of Americans, turn Medicaid into a block grant, and put seniors’ access to comprehensive Medicare coverage in jeopardy.

Your Health Information: Get It, Check It, Use It.

Let’s Leave Mad Men-Era Pay Policies in the Past

There is a reason many of us bristle at the thought of what the nation’s workplaces were like for women during the Mad Men era: the almost universal recognition that it was a time when sexism was rampant, when women were routinely devalued, disrespected and blatantly discriminated against.