Opinion: Sick leave – Gutting new law disrespects voters – Traverse City Eagle
Anyone who says they believe in family should be willing to support the ability of a mother to stay home with a sick child. In fact, we have those policies in place with our staff in the Legislature.
Five Years Since It Was First Introduced, It’s Time to Renew the New Family Leave Act – Slate
It is time to renew the promise of the FAMILY Act. The new Democratic leaders in the House will almost surely renew the bill and pass it in the House, while Republicans in the Senate should prove once and for all whether they are actually the party of family values.
Workers start paying for Washington’s new paid-leave law next month. Here’s how it works. – Seattle Times
“You kind of feel like you’re behind, and it’s just nice to feel like we’re catching up,” [Sammamish worker Maia] Knox said of the new benefit.
National Women’s Group Outlines Mandate for Lawmakers
National Partnership Agenda Urges Reforms that Support Women and Families
Student workers can earn paid sick leave, effective February 2019 – The Daily Princetonian
For Krystal Delnoce, ‘21, who said she is first-generation low-income (FLI) student who works at Dillon Gymnasium as a children’s swim instructor and at Murray-Dodge cafe, the rule may come in handy. She said that she has previously found it difficult to take time off from her jobs when she was ill.
This Study On Gender Equality At Work Vs. Home Shows How Many People Still Buy Into Stereotypes – Bustle
Guest column: Now is time to boost paid family leave, and these Louisiana representatives can help – The Advocate
Both political parties recognize that adopting a national policy is good for business, families, state government, and the overall economy and country. The only question is how we will get it done.
Bumped Out – Governing
They Were Covered by Health Insurance, but Their Newborn Son Wasn’t – Healthline
Real-life gender pay gap far bigger than thought, U.S. economists say
Real-life gender pay gap far bigger than thought, U.S. economists say – Reuters
“There’s a lot of women that aren’t able to work full-time full-year, and there are consequences to this,” [study co-author and labor economist Stephen Rose] said. More than 40 percent of today’s women workers have taken at least one year off with no earnings, typically to care for children or aging or ailing family members, the study said.
Paid Leave Is an LGBTQ Issue – The Advocate
Only policies that meet our complex needs can allow us to be ourselves whether at work or beyond. That’s why in addition to advocating for housing and job security, I’m a trans activist fighting for paid family and medical leave – one of the policies that is urgently needed for the trans community.
Women’s Health Leader Applauds Congressional Tri-Caucus for Reintroducing Bill that Promotes Health Equity
Statement of Debra L. Ness, President, National Partnership for Women & Families
What’s Next? How the New Class of Congresswomen Will Change the Game for Women – MAKERS
Kids, parents would suffer from changes to Michigan’s Earned Sick Time Act – Detroit Free Press
As a pediatrician, I applaud the recently-passed Earned Sick Time Act. This law makes it possible for working Michiganders and their families to see a doctor, rest when they are sick, and care for a loved one without losing a day’s pay or risking getting fired.
Gov. Jeff Colyer puts paid parental leave in place for Kansas state employees – Topeka Capital-Journal
Gov. Jeff Colyer signed a paid parental leave executive order Wednesday that will apply to more than 17,000 state employees.
University changes policy to expand paid sick, safe leave to all University employees – Brown Daily Herald
Under the new policy, employees can leave work to address safety issues or take care of personal health problems, and [student workers] can potentially provide care for their roommate under an expanded definition of caregiver, [Director of Benefits Drew] Murphy said.
The positive reaction to Dwyane Wade’s extended paternity leave signals a cultural shift – Chicago Tribune
When Dwyane Wade introduced his newborn daughter and announced he would take time away from basketball to be a father, I braced myself for the backlash. Instead, he and his wife, actress Gabrielle Union, were greeted with congratulations from teammates, celebrities and fans.
Maternity Leave Did Not Apply To Me As An Adoptive Mother – Romper
I never dreamed about the questions I would face when broaching the subject of maternity leave as an adoptive mother.