Choosing Health Equity
The Next Wave of Medicare Accountable Care Organizations Matters to You!

Amplifying the Voices of Patients

Big changes are taking place in our health care system — and it’s about time. While some innovations have been occurring in limited areas around the country, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is making bigger, bolder transformation of the health care system more of a reality.

The “Business Case” for Eliminating Health Care Disparities

The “Business Case” for Eliminating Health Care Disparities

No one would deny that health care in the United States is riddled with disparities – in access, in treatment, and in outcomes. There are disparities due to gender, race/ethnicity, place of residence, socio-economic status, age and insurance status. Until recently, few attempts have been made to examine how those disparities affect costs. A spate of recent research, however, builds a powerful case for paying much more attention to the connection.

The Next Wave of Medicare Accountable Care Organizations Matters to You!

Rx for Health Literacy

October is health literacy month and, as Congress debates the widespread challenges in health care, we also need to address the problem of low health literacy — an obstacle people face in doctors’ offices across the country everyday and one that has a big impact on health outcomes.

The Evidence is There: Better Coordinated Care Makes Sense and Saves Money.  Duh.

The Evidence is There: Better Coordinated Care Makes Sense and Saves Money. Duh.

This just in. What health care experts have suspected for some time has been demonstrated by a new study published in the American Journal of Managed Care: patients who can rely on a coordinated system where their providers talk to each other, their medical information is available electronically, and they have improved access to doctors and nurses – have better health outcomes.