Nearly 27 million people — more than 1 in 5 private sector workers — cannot access a single paid sick day. This November, voters have the opportunity to vote on paid sick days in Alaska, Missouri, and Nebraska.

Nearly 27 million people — more than 1 in 5 private sector workers — cannot access a single paid sick day. This November, voters have the opportunity to vote on paid sick days in Alaska, Missouri, and Nebraska.
If your kid woke up with a cough and fever, would you be able to take time off to visit urgent care, or have to show up at your work shift so you don't get fired? If you came down with flu or COVID, could you stay home to recover or would that mean missing a paycheck...
Over the last several years, cities have worked to advance earned sick leave for workers by passing local laws that require local employers to offer paid sick leave or other forms of paid leave. However, many cities across the nation have been restricted by preemption.
The United States is still a country of haves and have nots when it comes to essential family-supporting benefits like paid family leave.
She has 14 No. 1 hits, sold over 340 million records and has broken barriers – building a beauty and fashion empire that is inclusive from the sizes, shapes and genders of the models, to the range of colors available in her makeup. But Rihanna’s latest role as a mom may be her most challenging yet.
Sunday marks our second pandemic Mother’s Day, and more than a year of financial, health, and familial chaos for mothers across the country.
These legislative victories are proof the paid sick days movement is gaining significant traction and that the tipping point for a national policy is soon near. Yet even as we celebrate a decade of tremendous progress, today more than 34 million private sector workers cannot earn a single paid sick day.
Today, working people and advocates for fairer workplaces are marking Implementation Day to celebrate the anniversaries of paid sick days and paid family and medical leave laws across the country.
Last month, Gov. Rick Snyder dealt a blow to democracy by gutting the state’s paid sick time law. This was just one of the intentional subversions of democratic process that occurred in Michigan and Wisconsin in the lame duck sessions.
A record number of people in this country – 71 percent of private sector workers – now have access to paid sick days, but shameful disparities continue.
As we mark National Women’s Health Week, it’s important to remember that millions of women cannot earn paid sick days, which would help them care for themselves and their families.
Today, Gov. Phil Murphy signed the Earned Sick and Safe Days Act, making New Jersey the 10th state to enact a paid sick days law and extending the right to earn paid sick days to an additional 1.2 million workers.
Today, Gov. Phil Murphy signed the Earned Sick and Safe Days Act, making New Jersey the 10th state to enact a paid sick days law and extending the right to earn paid sick days to an additional 1.2 million workers.
The Austin City Council approved a paid sick days ordinance this week. When signed into law, the new measure will guarantee paid sick days for more than 210,000 Austinites who currently cannot earn such time.
The Maryland legislature voted to override Gov. Larry Hogan’s veto of the Healthy Working Families Act this week, which means Maryland will soon become the ninth state with a paid sick days law. Hundreds of thousands of Marylanders will gain access to paid sick days.
Federal lawmakers seek to thwart paid sick days progress and undermine state and local victories through a new bill introduced this week. Contrary to proponents’ claims, the so-called Workflex in the 21st Century Act – H.R. 4219 – would not guarantee paid sick days and could actually make it less certain that working people have the sick time they need.
World Mental Health Day offers an opportunity to break down the stigma surrounding mental illness. It is also a reminder of the need to promote policies, such as paid sick days, that would help those living with a mental illness.
Gov. Gina Raimondo signed the Healthy and Safe Families and Workplaces Act today, making Rhode Island the eighth state to enact a paid sick days law and bringing the national total to 40 jurisdictions with such laws nationwide. Some 100,000 Rhode Islanders will gain the right to earn paid sick time when the law takes effect in July.
For kids, heading back to school can be an anxious and exciting time – figuring out new routines, adjusting to different teachers and classmates and navigating changes in social and academic environments… Employed parents stress about changes too, but the millions of moms, dads and caregivers without paid sick time also have to worry about cold and flu season and what will happen if their kids get sick.
As many federal lawmakers were focused on rolling back and undermining the rights of people across the country this year, some state lawmakers considered bills aimed at helping people.