Statement of Jocelyn Frye, President of the National Partnership for Women & Families WASHINGTON, D.C. – June 28, 2024 – Today, the Supreme Court upended sound, longstanding, legal precedent that has provided protections for everyday people for decades...
General VBAC and Repeat C-section Resources
- offers information and support on many aspects of cesarean and vaginal birth after cesarean, including articles, photos of C-section scars and a C-section birth plan
- Vaginal Birth After Cesarean: New Insights – NIH Consensus Development Conference Final Report, prepared by independent panels of health professionals and public representatives based on results of a systematic literature review and proceedings of a public meeting of scientists and stakeholders
- A Woman’s Guide to VBAC offers support for decision-making about VBAC versus repeat cesarean section, based on guidance from the National Institutes of Health.
- International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN) provides information about C-section in the name of preventing unnecessary cesareans, providing support for cesarean recovery and promoting vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC)
- The white paper Recovering From a Cesarean: Tips on Healing may be especially helpful
- provides childbearing women and maternity care professionals access to research-based information, resources, continuing education and support for VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean)
- Books:
- Birth Choices (2006) by Allison Shorten. This decision-making tool helps women who have had a C-section weigh the pros and cons of elective repeat C-section and VBAC
- Birthing Normally After a Caesarean or Two: A Guide for Pregnant Women; Exploring Reasons and Practicalities for VBAC (2011) by H.L. Ne Vadeboncoeur. This book covers both the decision about having a VBAC and how to prepare for a VBAC
Find Hospitals and Care Providers that Offer VBAC
- The International Cesarean Awareness Network’s local chapters can help you find information about hospitals and caregivers who support VBAC. You can find your local chapter here.
The C-section Experience and Recovery Resources
- Birthrites: Healing After C-section is a comprehensive website for women who have had a C-section
- A doula can help with your recovery, your baby’s needs, your relationships and household tasks. Find one through DONA International
- offers online forums and information on a wide variety of topics related to C-section
- National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence’s Cesarean Section page offers detailed information about the procedure
- Video of birth by cesarean section
- Books:
- Cesarean Recovery (2004) by Chrissie Gallagher-Mundy. This book covers key elements of mom’s recovery following a C-section through six months after birth
- The Essential C-section Guide: Pain Control, Healing at Home, Getting Your Body Back, and Everything Else You Need to Know About Cesarean Birth (2004) by Maureen Connolly and Dana Sullivan. This book addresses what C-section entails, what to expect during recovery, and things to consider for future pregnancies and deliveries.
Peer Support for C-section/VBAC
- The International Cesarean Awareness Network coordinates local chapters for women to discuss C-section experience. You can find your local chapter here.